Interesting spoon carving video

Often Tested.    Always Faithful.      Brothers Forever

Jack Edgar, Sgt. U.S. Marines, Korea, America's Forgotten War
Get off my lawn !


Thank you for the link Jack, very interesting video.

I'm off next week, and hope to make one.

My LV spokeshave is supposed to come in tomorrow and I'm stoked.

I told Clovispup last night that I'm either going to have to start giving away spoons, or buy a small woodstove.
"Mongo only pawn in game of life."        Mongo
One of those mules is going on my list, too.  Probably make one soon.  Has a lot of good usability features.
Great video, Jack, thanks for posting it.
...Naval Aviators, that had balz made of brass and the size of bowling balls, getting shot off the deck at night, in heavy seas, hoping that when they leave the deck that the ship is pointed towards the sky and not the water.

AD1 T. O. Cronkhite
Nice video.

Here's another spoon mule video. If you search for spoon mule on YouTube, you'll get a lot of them. The one Jack posted is unique.


I know it's mostly personal preference, but I don't understand why more spoon makers don't carve out the bowl when the blank is flat and can be held in a conventional vise. I use a mallet with my gouge and end up carving manually to get the finer
Still Learning,

Allan Hill
The Spoon Mule

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