I am finding lots of posts, blogs, and youtube videos on this, but not quite enough information.  And a lot of them are for shop vacs, not dust collectors.I did make one for the shop vac that fits inside a Rockler Vortex can (whose lid cracked due to vacuum pressure).  I am happy with it. If someone could point me to an informative place or answer some questions or tell me where I'm going wrong.

Here's what I have:
  • It will run from a Unisaw, a planer and jointer
  • i.d. of can is 20 1/8" (slightly over 10" radius)
  • Want to use a 4" pipe as input and output to Jet dust collector
  • it appears that I need to use the separator on top because of the input pipe
  • I have used 1 lb. metal coffee cans before for connectors to the pipes.  I cut tabs on one end and fold over and screw down on the inside
  • Is there a PVC or plastic pipe that has a 4" o.d?  It appears not.  If not, I'll be using the coffee cans.
  • Is there a problem just having a 5" square input channel past the can and not a plastic pipe?
  • I have a 48" piece of polycarbonate to use as outside wall.  20 * pi >48 so it can't do the full circle.  It will have to fit in a smaller ring.
  • The smaller baffle/separator indicated 1.25" slot around 240 degrees.  Would 2" be too much for a larger separator and planer chips?  Thus I am thinking 11" large radius (hangs over edge of can), 9" radius where the polycarbonate attaches, and 7" for the baffle small radius.
Thanks in advance.

Regardless, I think I'll be making full size drawings of the components before I jump in.  (I'm not Sketchup fluent yet)

(11-06-2019, 07:06 PM)bhh Wrote: I am finding lots of posts, blogs, and youtube videos on this, but not quite enough information.  And a lot of them are for shop vacs, not dust collectors.I did make one for the shop vac that fits inside a Rockler Vortex can (whose lid cracked due to vacuum pressure).  I am happy with it. If someone could point me to an informative place or answer some questions or tell me where I'm going wrong.

Here's what I have:
  • It will run from a Unisaw, a planer and jointer
  • i.d. of can is 20 1/8" (slightly over 10" radius)
  • Want to use a 4" pipe as input and output to Jet dust collector
  • it appears that I need to use the separator on top because of the input pipe
  • I have used 1 lb. metal coffee cans before for connectors to the pipes.  I cut tabs on one end and fold over and screw down on the inside
  • Is there a PVC or plastic pipe that has a 4" o.d?  It appears not.  If not, I'll be using the coffee cans.
  • Is there a problem just having a 5" square input channel past the can and not a plastic pipe?
  • I have a 48" piece of polycarbonate to use as outside wall.  20 * pi >48 so it can't do the full circle.  It will have to fit in a smaller ring.
  • The smaller baffle/separator indicated 1.25" slot around 240 degrees.  Would 2" be too much for a larger separator and planer chips?  Thus I am thinking 11" large radius (hangs over edge of can), 9" radius where the polycarbonate attaches, and 7" for the baffle small radius.
Thanks in advance.

Regardless, I think I'll be making full size drawings of the components before I jump in.  (I'm not Sketchup fluent yet)

I did something similar except I put the baffle in the funnel of the dust collector and it works quite well. I used 5/8"" thick particle board, probably should have used something thinner. The other thing I should have done is to bevel or round over the ends of the slot, I suspect there's a lot of turbulence there which probably cuts into efficiency.
Might want to message the guy that created this

Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

Why so fancy? I took a 55 gal plastic barrel with a removable lid. It comes with 2 holes in the lid. A bigger one and a smaller one. Set a shop vac on top with the hose sucking from the smaller hole. Stuck a bigger hose in the other hole in the lid to suck up the chips/sawdust. Very little sawdust gets from the barrel to the shop vacuum where it is caught in the vacuum filter. I set the barrel on an office chair base for mobility.
Big Grin

My boss is a Jewish carpenter. Our DADDY owns the business.
Trying to understand some people is like trying to pick up the clean end of a turd.
Project will be on hold for a while, need surgery next week.
Sorry to hear that, hope you have a speedy recovery!
I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.
It looks great, but why complicate things. You could just buy a new vacuum cleaner. I tried to find something handy in Toronto, but it worked for me to solve the problem of garbage cans. Toronto Bin Rental is the only thing I've liked so far. It's for people who live in Toronto, but it's the same for you, just look for one in your city. They bring it to you when you need it and take it away when you tell them to. And for me the important point right now is the environment, make sure they recycle all the garbage.
I have the Woodcraft top that fits a metal 30 gal trash can very nicely. Works just dandy. The real issue is remembering to check the fill level. Powered by Rockler's original DustRite system.
Thanks,  Curt
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
      -- Soren Kierkegaard
Thien separator for 30 gal garbage can

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