01-06-2022, 10:02 AM
I have been watching Lyle Jamieson's videos. In one of them he talks about turning rough bowl blanks. I have always attached a face plate to the blank, but the problem is the blank being out of balance. To combat that I've attempted to round the blank off on a bandsaw first. This helps but isn't perfect because the blank can be different thickness at different points. His method is to find the balance point between 2 centers on the lathe and then turn between a spur and live center. I decided to try that last week. It took a bit of work to find the balance point. Also it seemed a bit sketchy to hold a blank without a face plate. I let the lathe spin for a while before I was satisfied it wasn't going to fly off. In the end it was safer than an out of balance blank on the lathe on a face plate. So I think in future I'll be switching to that method. A compromise could be to find the balance point, then come up with a centering jig that centers the face plate over that point.