Has anyone here purchased the new Onefinity CNC?


(01-25-2021, 07:09 AM)gad5264 Wrote: Has anyone here purchased the new Onefinity CNC?

I have one on order for delivery next month if that counts. Currently trying to prep for it by figuring out workflow and tooling.

What do you want to know?

If I had a signature, this wouldn't be it.
(01-25-2021, 02:22 PM)MKepke Wrote: I have one on order for delivery next month if that counts.  Currently trying to prep for it by figuring out workflow and tooling.

What do you want to know?


Hi Mark,

Mine arrives week after next. Order #11422, was really just looking at table ideas and how people liked it being that its a new machine.


(01-26-2021, 07:09 AM)gad5264 Wrote: Hi Mark,

Mine arrives week after next. Order #11422, was really just looking at table ideas and how people liked it being that its a new machine.
Ha! I should be asking you.

I have a big old RAS table I'm thinking of recycling for a base. Table-wise, probably a 48x49 sheet of MDF with another as a spoilboard with T-tracks. That size seems to be big enough to leave room for drag chains. Mount the controller under the table.

There are some good looking enclosures out there, but I'm going to wait a while on that until I get a workflow and DC going. Plus can use the CNC to cut out the enclosure.

For BrentDH - I was planning on buying the Shapeoko 3 XXL, but the Onefinity was the same price (counting a Z-axis upgrade on the Shapeoko). Better design - ball-screws all around, good reviews, no PC connection required and made in Canada sealed the deal.

If I had a signature, this wouldn't be it.
I have been wanting to get into CNC for years.  Once considered building my own from the Kronos Robotics plans.  I had not heard of this one until your post.  I went and looked at the website.  I have to say you have piqued my interest.  I would be interested to hear anything you are willing to share about how you made your decision for this one.  The price is very attractive compared to other options I have looked at.
(01-26-2021, 03:09 PM)BrentDH Wrote: I have been wanting to get into CNC for years.  Once considered building my own from the Kronos Robotics plans.  I had not heard of this one until your post.  I went and looked at the website.  I have to say you have piqued my interest.  I would be interested to hear anything you are willing to share about how you made your decision for this one.  The price is very attractive compared to other options I have looked at.


I currently have a GarageworX 18"x24" and was quickly growing out of it and wanting/needing something bigger (at least that is what I told SWMBO). The GW has ball screws and I was wanting to stick with that type of machine. I love the sealed bearings on the 1F also. Lots of research and the Onefinity reviews from their forum and FB group sold me on the purchase. I also liked the video that Ben Myers did on his beta test unit. The only drawback for me was the 7" touch screen and I knew my old eyes and sausage fingers would not like that. I found a 30" monitor that I will be swapping out and using a mouse and keyboard for machine operation. The overhang on one side will have a small drawer section built in for bits and other necessities.

The 1F has a 65MM router mount so you are limited to the selection on routers. Makita is the popular choice but I opted for a 65MM air-cooled spindle and VFD that I got bought from AliExpress. I am in Ohio and didn't want to mess with anti-freeze and the cold winters with a water cooled spindle. Their are some 1F users that are currently beta testing an 80MM spindle mount that 1F is trying to offer as an option. The current Z mount is incorporated into the machine and does not allow for modifying from what I've read. 

When I started looking at table designs, I wanted to incorporate the Kreg mobile base so that is what I will be using for it. The base will be 44"x44". I found a local source for 1" thick MDF in 49"x97" sizes and had two pieces cut down to 49"x65" which will be sandwiched together for the top. I will be using a t-track clamping system with 1" strips of the drop MDF as center pieces between the tracks.

Also, their customer service from what I have seen is 2nd to none and others just rave about the companies response times to questions.

You might want to check out their Forum for a lot of information. 


Thanks so much for the overview.  I am very seriously considering placing an order.
After many years of wanting to get into CNC, I just placed my order.  Thank you to the OP for pointing out this company. 
Now all I have to do is wait 4 months.  But after waiting more than 5 years to decide to do it I guess a few more months won't kill me 
(01-27-2021, 06:54 PM)BrentDH Wrote: After many years of wanting to get into CNC, I just placed my order.  Thank you to the OP for pointing out this company. 
Now all I have to do is wait 4 months.  But after waiting more than 5 years to decide to do it I guess a few more months won't kill me 

AWESOME, I didn't mean to make you spend money but hope you enjoy the machine once you get it.

Anyone using a spindle instead of the Makita? If so which one?
Onefinity CNC

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