Been looking for an upgrade to my Jet DC650 for a while and I finally found a steal with fairly new JET DC-1100VX-5M off of the local CL. Aware that the 5 micron is okay I want to upgrade that a bit. I originally wanted the 1100VX-CK but those don't seem to come up too often used and I can't justify spending what they want for that new nowdays. Anyways I upgraded my 650 with a shaker felt filter bag from Rockler many years ago and was amazed at the difference from that to the stock one. I went and looked at Rockler but didn't see one that would fit this new DC but I saw that the Powertec company makes a bag that looks decent (70001 Dust Collector Bag, 21" x 31", 1 Micron Filter) and is about $30 or so. I also saw that I can get the Jet canister (708639B) for about $360. It looks like both do down to 1 micron but was curious if anyone had upgraded to either of these options or if there was another option. In an ideal world money wouldn't be an option which is why the Powertech looks good but I wanted to see if there was something else out there that is good or see if the Powertech was the real deal.
Appreciate anyone who has some experience in this upgrade.
Appreciate anyone who has some experience in this upgrade.