GoodI evening from Daytina Beach., Fl.  I have the opportunity to buy used Delta 52 inch  cabinet saw with right tilting 10 inch arbor. from a hobbyist whose eye sight wont allow him to use it  It includes  unisaw fwncw, Forrest all purpose carbidw tipped general purpose blade, a complete Forrest dado set, 6 inch dust port,double bar cross cut sled. Delta tenoning jig,Osborne angle/cross cut jig.  3 hp 220v motor.  I have seen it and used it..Everything seems to work well.  Very good condition.  No rust.dents. or nicks.  Asking price is 2000$.  I have priced new ones similarly outfitted  Should I run toward it or away from it?  What sounds like good price  if 2K is high?  Thanks to all for any feedback.   Weelis

Sounds like a good saw with some useful extras, but the price is high for the market where I am. Unisaws come up in the 500-800 range somewhat regularly here.
''How can we ever hope to understand atoms?'' Heisenberg had lamented that day.

''I think we may yet be able to do so,'' Bohr replied. ''But in the process we may have to learn what the word 'understanding' really means.''
I doubt a beater Unisaw would come with a Forest blade. I’d offer $1500. Anything less is most likely an insult.

While I think that price is high (very high) that seems to be what people think they should ask. O know there was one not far from me like that and they started at $3K. That saw would be great to have, but it should be at a much lower price. Given current supply chain problems and such, the $1500 mentioned above might not be a bad place to start.
I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.

(09-23-2022, 10:17 PM)imapseudonym Wrote: Sounds like a good saw with some useful extras, but the price is high for the market where I am. Unisaws come up in the 500-800 range somewhat regularly here.

Are those $500 unisaws in mint condition or are they pro shop version that have been rode hard and put up wet?
Do they come with a $100 saw blade + $300 dado stack ?  What about a tenon jig and premium miter fence ?

(09-24-2022, 05:39 AM)fredhargis Wrote: While I think that price is high (very high) that seems to be what people think they should ask. O know there was one not far from me like that and they started at $3K. That saw would be great to have, but it should be at a much lower price. Given current supply chain problems and such, the $1500 mentioned above might not be a bad place to start.

Fred , what do you think they should cost ?  Why ?

All……..what saw can you get today for $1500-$2000 with a 52” fence ?    What value do you place on those nice accessories ?

What do used Unifences go for these days ?
Delta Tenon Jigs?
Osborne miter gauges ?
Used Forrest dados & WWII’s ?
Unisaw motors ?

Those will run ya a grand at least.
A lot of this comes down to how bad do you want or need this saw. Go price a new Sawstop that’s bare bones at Rockler. I think I saw $4400 last time I was there. The contractor version was pushing $2k. There doesn’t seem to be as many used USA Unisaw’s or PM66’s around like there was 20 years ago. I go to a lot of estate sales and many with woodworking shops. I don’t see a lot of 3HP cabinet saws and when you do, they typically go fast if the saw made the presale pics. Just my 2 cents and I would pay $1500+ for this package if it’s in good shape.

(09-23-2022, 07:23 PM)weelis Wrote: GoodI evening from Daytina Beach., Fl.  I have the opportunity to buy used Delta 52 inch  cabinet saw with right tilting 10 inch arbor. from a hobbyist whose eye sight wont allow him to use it  It includes  unisaw fwncw, Forrest all purpose carbidw tipped general purpose blade, a complete Forrest dado set, 6 inch dust port,double bar cross cut sled. Delta tenoning jig,Osborne angle/cross cut jig.  3 hp 220v motor.  I have seen it and used it..Everything seems to work well.  Very good condition.  No rust.dents. or nicks.  Asking price is 2000$.  I have priced new ones similarly outfitted  Should I run toward it or away from it?  What sounds like good price  if 2K is high?  Thanks to all for any feedback.   Weelis

I pick up Unisaws, Powermatics and the like for free on occasion but that is because of location.  I can't say what is a good price near you but the picture you paint with the accessory list would sell for $1500 or more here.  The thing is do you want all the accessories?  I don't know what you have now or what you are going to build.  Then I have to ask how available are any of the things you want and how long are you willing to wait for the "perfect" deal.  I am tight with money more often than not yet when it comes to quality, availability and need I am willing to pay what people are asking.  Also if you don't want the accessories there is a good chance you can sell them here and recoup some of what you paid.  Everything mentioned seems to be quality and like I said people are willing to pay for it
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

(09-23-2022, 07:23 PM)weelis Wrote: GoodI evening from Daytina Beach., Fl.  I have the opportunity to buy used Delta 52 inch  cabinet saw with right tilting 10 inch arbor. from a hobbyist whose eye sight wont allow him to use it  It includes  unisaw fwncw, Forrest all purpose carbidw tipped general purpose blade, a complete Forrest dado set, 6 inch dust port,double bar cross cut sled. Delta tenoning jig,Osborne angle/cross cut jig.  3 hp 220v motor.  I have seen it and used it..Everything seems to work well.  Very good condition.  No rust.dents. or nicks.  Asking price is 2000$.  I have priced new ones similarly outfitted  Should I run toward it or away from it?  What sounds like good price  if 2K is high?  Thanks to all for any feedback.   Weelis

I helped a friend by a sweetheart 3hp PM66 recently for $1600 with a nice Forest blade on it.  I think the PM66 is a better saw than a Unisaw (this from a guy who has a Unisaw, too), but I'd be willing to give the guy $2000 for all that.  

As other have said, decide if you need all the "extras" and, if not, what you could sell them for to recoup some of your costs.  I bought a PM66 years ago for $1500 but I was able to recoup $700 of it just selling the extras that came with it that I didn't need (there was a BUNCH).
I think you need to make the decision yourself. Sometimes it just helps making the decision if you go look at it in person. We don't know your financial (and don't want to) ability. If you want it, can afford it, then go get it. Usually there is a little wiggle room in the price.
to buy or not to buy?.

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