I understand the concept and uses- but have never used any. I have some molding projects coming up, and think CA makes sense.
What do I want? Brands, type etc. sources?


I don't know if there are any real differences between brands of CA glue other than viscosity. Most offer some sort of medium, thin, and thick. and might offer colors. But I think CA glue is CA glue. As far as activators go, they're pretty much all the same too.

If you're simply bonding pieces, there's no issue there - glue on one side, activator on the other, and then hope you put them together perfectly, because they're set in seconds.

If you're looking to fill in surface voids (or deeper voids) be aware that the more glue you use, the higher likelihood you have of crystallization. Some people claim that certain activators are less likely to cause the white crystals in the glue, but I am pretty sure it's just part of the (highly) exothermic reaction of the glue rapidly curing. If there's a lot of glue, it will probably happen. The more glue there is (and the deeper it is), the more likely it is to happen. If you're just filling micro-voids, probably not much of a worry.
Thanks! I get near a Woodcraft store on occasion and will stop in

For filling cracks in knots I use black CA glue. Stick Fast offers CA in black.
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“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West.
24- year cancer survivor
When it comes to thin ca glue, starboard is the only one I've used that doesn't clog the tip. After each use, check the tip if it's clear through. Usually it's. If not, slightly tap the bottle on the bench to bring any drop down into the bottle. Replace the cap, and it's clog proof.

Made in Japan. Starbond has many types and colors of ca glues Put it in the fridge to extend its shelf life to 3 years or so. Lastly, polyethylene gloves won't stick with ca glue; most others will. DAMHIK.

I was introduced to FastCap's 2P10 a number of years ago and love it. We use the thick variety at work exclusively. I have the thin and thick at home. The accelerator comes in handy as well.
I no longer build museums but don't want to change my name. My new job is a lot less stressful. Life is much better.


I use a lot of CA glue and accelerator.  I really appreciate the comment on how to clear the tip of the bottle because the Starbond medium I favor clogs up frequently, to the point of the tip being rendered useless long before I've emptied the bottle.  Other than that annoyance, Starbond is great for the CA + blue tape method I use to hold parts down on my CNC.  I've heard others say that all CA's are the same.  I have no clue if that's true but I know Starbond works great for my needs.  I've used it to glue stair railing transitions together, an application people say is doomed to failure.  The one in my parent's house has been up for 10 years and the joints are still tight.  Good enough for me.  



The starbond comes with a metal pin (like a push pin). Did you insert it to clear the tip on the medium CA bottle before replacing the cap? Push the pin in and check if the tip is free of glue. If so, the tip won't clog.


(04-01-2023, 06:28 PM)Handplanesandmore Wrote: John,

The starbond comes with a metal pin (like a push pin). Did you insert it to clear the tip on the medium CA bottle before replacing the cap? Push the pin in and check if the tip is free of glue. If so, the tip won't clog.


Simon, I've seen the metal pin you mentioned in Starbonds ads, but apparently they decided I didn't warrant receiving one in either of the orders I've placed.  Fortunately, they did send a couple of extra tips, but at some point they all become unusable.  I have to try the tap the bottle on the table recommendation to clear the tip to see if that eliminates the problem.  In Starbond's defense, I'm not sure if the push pin will work with the pint bottles I buy.  They supply 4 or 5, 4 oz (I think) empty bottles/tips and maybe 4 extra tips.  All the tips are uncut, so I can cut them to any size opening I want.  That seems like a challenge for a push pin to work with; too small an opening and the push pin won't fit, too large and it's of no benefit.  

Here's a little tip. If your going to be painting or whatever over the CA glue and you need to do some filling in, sprinkle Baking Soda on the glued joint as a accelerator, It will turn white and take a few more seconds to harden but won't crack and be much stronger then CA alone. you can sand it and shape. great for modeling, much safer and cheaper then accelerator. give it a try . graphite like pencil led powder mixed in is even stronger.
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Don's woodshop
Educate me- CA adhesive and activator

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