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Remember these bits and pieces?
Well, they all got resawn down a bit, from 3/4" thick, to..
Down to 1/2" or so thick...
Which left a stack of thin stuff ( dividers, trays?) for later..
Selected one of the 2 "groups" for a larger box Project...
Had a glued up panel of Ash for a lid..and started to mark up the sides, with the New & Improved Marking Gauge..
Needed a pencil to darken the lines, so both the camera and I can see them..then lay out for "Pins"..
As these corners will be through Dovetails..in Pine.
A bit of saw work..
Then chop out the waste..with a chisel...use the pins to mark out the tails, saw and chop those...then the first Dry fit..
Right off the saw...
Note, BEFORE anything was done, I had to flatten all 4 sides...
Figured that this Stanley No. 3, Type 11 will do a good enough job.
Stay tuned...
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Through dovetailed corners..done?
Side view..
BEFORE these could be glued together,,,needed a rest/holder made..
THEN I could glue things up..
Once this came out of the clamps, was cleaned up, leveled top and bottom and at least squared up in all directions..then a bottom was glued on..
When the clamps came back off, I tried to level the bottom...
Found a couple high spots to level out...laid this onto the panel for the lid...marked around to see how much to trim off..
Not too much..we have ways..
A Stanley No. 5-1/2c, Type 11 , or..a Stanley No 3, Type 11....No. 3 had too short of a Front Porch...unlike old Jumbo..
Panel is a bit too thin..so
Will glue these to the underside..once the ends are mitered..
Stay tuned...more to come..
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Let this sit a spell..
Made sure the two Stanley No. 77s will fit..
Cleaned up the lid..
And trimmed as needed for a decent match to the box...then the hardware could be installed
Hinges and corners...top ones needed trimmed back a bit, to allow the lid to open and close
Latch was installed to keep the lid closed..
Lid works...and a look at the top...
All that is left, is a finish and a branding iron..and a hand drawn label..
Stay tuned
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Stained, labeled, branded, and varnished...Photos?
Shop has it's own Branding Iron, BTW...
Except, I had to hand draw the label...
With a single coat of Warm Gloss Poly..
Box #2?
Has been started, for now....
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Might try a glue up later today..
Since Feb Box #2 has all 4 corners dovetailed..
Tool Kit?
Need to go out and find a bracket/holder..
To attach this to my Samsung Smart Phone, to take better pictures with....old phone is DOA...
Stay tuned..
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Box is now sitting in the clamps..
let it sit overnight...need to start putting the toys away..
I also sharpened a few chisels..been awhile for these...
As for a pair of $3 chisels...
They have had all the rust removed...sharpened up, and are now "Beater Chisels" 5/8" and 3/4" widths.
One other item in that $3 a piece deal..
Taintor's Positive No. 7 Saw Set.
Has been cleaned up nicely...1/8" thick wrap of black tape removed, too..
There are 5 patent dates on that handle..
$12 + Sales Tax...Screwdriver merely ratchets,,,has 5 bits...and no markings...it went to the Household Tool Drawer...might come in handy?
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Box #2 is out of the clamps, trued up, cleaned up...leveled....and now.
A 1/4" plywood panel is getting glued to the bottom of the box....had to stop and make sure it WAS the bottom of the box...
6 clamps + 3 cauls...let sit until later.
Parts for the lid..
Need to get the Mitre box back out..
Miter the ends and cut to size...then glue them in place...
Stay tuned..
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After the last time with this backsaw...decided to try some else..
And see how it works ..
Much better, needed a slight depth adjustment, is all.
When the clamps came off today..
Bottom panel needed trimmed flush to the sides...and the panel for the lid..
Needed trimmed to be flush with the sides, of the box..
Was a busy day, today...lots of errands to run...will try again tomorrow adding the strips to the lid, with mitered corners...
Stay tuned..
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Shop will be closed for a few days...until The Boss gets home from OSU Wexxner Hospital...
Went to the ER last night by EMS Squad...the transferred to OSU....
Will up-date as I can...
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Take care of what's important Bandit. Prayers for your wife, her doctors, staff and for you. Take care. We're here for you.
If you continue to cut corners, you'll end up going in circles!
It's my thumb so I'll hit it if I want to!