As a way to relieve all the stress that has been building up around my household....decided to just go out on a long road trip...and try to just clear my mind, even if for a day.  Because, IF I had stayed at the house that day...I would have gone off on about anybody....just need the time to relax, and maybe look for a few tools the shop didn't have.
So, Last Friday,,filled the gas tank on the Chevy, and headed South....

Harmony, OH.   US Rt40, just before the I-70 exits....Heart of Ohio Antique Center....8 inter-connected buildings, FILLED with about any sort of Antique you might want to buy...I had to keep moving, as they were just as liable to place a Price tag on this old fart, as an Antique...so..
First Rule: if it is inside of a Locked display case....expect "Gold Plated" prices....
Like a Stanley No.45 plus 2 boxes of cutters...$195 + tax...I already had one, plus the Spokeshave.
Same booth:
Saws, anyone..
A bit rich for me...
More planes?
A bit pricey? 

From that same booth..
Walking around, came upon this...
I think this is called a face vise?
A Tool Tray/Well....with a ramp to help sweep shavings out..
As for what was in this stall..stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

Since I had stopped to look at the bench, decided to look around in this booth..
Anybody want to start a Blacksmith Shop?   That larger Vise?
Hmmm, yeah...
Blacksmith's vise...
Hammers and other tools...

Decided to walk on down to Building #5...
A basket for basket Cases?  One on the far right is a Mohawk-Shelburne #4 sized plane..
The one next to the block plane is an Ohio No. 4-1/2...apparently has a "repaired" lever cap...

There is one seller  that has 2 booths...about 6 booths apart...over in Building #8,,,clear out on the end of the building..
This is what you'll see walking down the aisle..

Then a "Right...FACE"
Top shelf back  there is full of Molding planes..
And a couple of these...then a "Half Right, Face"
About any sort of hand tool you could think of, is here.....The other booth is more for the Mechanics out there...unless you want to take a look..trying to keep this as Woodworking Tools....

Next up ( after I pay a little over $8o for the 2 items I bought here) is a trip back west on US Rt 40...until I find Titus Road....then follow that around until I am almost to the I-70/Rt 41 exit...Springfield Antiques is the name of the place....There is a Sheetz Truck stop as well...
Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Did a bit of walking through that store....LONG aisles...I did find 2 items in a locked ($$) Glass doored case..
Also saw a few other items I wasn't needing for the shop..
Makes my arm tired just looking at it...
Well, that is one way to sort all your hammers...
Well, somebody was on the ball?


Need a ride?
Some "Treasures" were trying to hide inside dark corners...

There was a table back at Heart Of Ohio...
Had enough Brace Drills...as for the 2 planes?

A LONG Jointer and a Fulton #3 sized plane....

So..here is the $10 part of the Heart of Ohio spending spree..
The one die that you might be able to read the size..is a 12 24

The major expense item...$70..
Was a Stanley No. 66, with a cutter and a straight fence....shop did not have one, until now....same with the dies. 

Am trying to keep this to the Woodworking Tool side of things.....There was an entire shelf filled with about every make and model of wood chisels...

As for the Mechanic's tools?   Some other time....but you could fully stock a "Snap-on" style truck with what was in just 2 booths...

Spent 4 hours out and about....cleaning crew was gone when I came back home....so, just sat  down with a cold Guinness Stout and relaxed...

I'm feeling better today, because the Boss is feeling a LOT better.   She is out of the Hospital, and staying at my Daughter's house, as she is an RN.    Will be getting Home Health people coming in to see her.   Working to get her strength back, and getting her to at least eat a meal....and take her pills...she has almost as many as I do.

IF you want a look at the Mechanic's Tools, let me know...

Still have to rehab those 4 items, and find a Die holder the correct size.
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Thanks for the photo trip Bandit.

You had a good idea getting away for some "you" time.
Glad to hear the boss is doing much better.

Sure, post the mechanic stuff too. Heck most of us
here are 'tool guys' not just wood (tool) guys.
Mark Singleton

Bene vivendo est optimum vindictae

The Laws of Physics do not care about your Politics   -  Me
In Building No. 8 there is this..
Then you look up...
Then peek around the corner..
For just a hint of what's in this booth...then step around the corner..
Tower on the left is filled with sockets...the one one the right is all screwdrivers...careful where you walk, though...
And..don't be distracted of overflowing drawers..
This is where that 10 pc set of dies came from.....he also has a few sets on rings of Metric sizes...

Seems that green plastic bucket was in use elsewhere...
There is another one...and it was filled with...
Combo squares and fitting for them...he also had this thing..
Sitting right where I needed to walk..

Lots of filled shelves..
Plan on doing a LOT of walking, if you ever get there....opened 0900 to 1800 hrs most days.   Cash or card....
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Can't imagine how he got all that "inventory"....
Thanks for the tour!

Road Trip

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