The chisels..
Plus a few others running around loose..Paul Sellers had a Project in his Masterclasses Free Videos...of a Bench top organizer...though I could use the one I made from that video series..
Will need to expand it a little bit, more "elbow room" is needed.   I have 3 planks of Clear 1/2" x 5-1/2" x 24" pine "Project Boards"...

Have a few details to attend to, though..
In this case, the "floor" for the compartment sits in a 1/4" x 1/4" groove....which I then had to go around and plug ( with Rosewood scraps, BTW)

The ends were not much better...
Plus, that floor sits in a rebate, along the front edge....but can not be allowed to be seen,  Not happy with the end grain showing at each end of the drawer, either..

May do an Overlay drawer front?  Yet, have it close flush with the upper front. 

So..IF anyone wants to follow along....stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

(04-09-2024, 10:38 AM)bandit571 Wrote: The chisels..

Plus a few others running around loose..Paul Sellers had a Project in his Masterclasses Free Videos...of a Bench top organizer...though I could use the one I made from that video series..

Will need to expand it a little bit, more "elbow room" is needed.   I have 3 planks of Clear 1/2" x 5-1/2" x 24" pine "Project Boards"...

Have a few details to attend to, though..

In this case, the "floor" for the compartment sits in a 1/4" x 1/4" groove....which I then had to go around and plug ( with Rosewood scraps, BTW)

The ends were not much better...

Plus, that floor sits in a rebate, along the front edge....but can not be allowed to be seen,  Not happy with the end grain showing at each end of the drawer, either..

May do an Overlay drawer front?  Yet, have it close flush with the upper front. 

So..IF anyone wants to follow along....stay tuned...
Nice work..........
Often Tested.    Always Faithful.      Brothers Forever

Jack Edgar, Sgt. U.S. Marines, Korea, America's Forgotten War
Get off my lawn !

That case will serve as a Pattern...just need to expand it a bit...
This is one of the planks to be used..
Just over $5 a piece...at Lowes.  First off, need a few cuts made...
2 ends, and a back, from the first plank....a second plank provided a base, and a front..
Ripped this down the center, to create a top and a drawer front ..but, things were looking a bit too tall at 5-1/2", so I "lowered" things down a bit. the hardest part was keeping the grain matched on the front 2 pieces, and have the cut still be centered. 

Was also trying to get the grain to match all the way around...
and the other end..
Which is why the back and the 2 ends were cut they way they were...Markings?   "B" is for Back....there is a "T" for Top of the case....and I marked them for "Inside" face...

The front gets a rebate...to house a floor for the upper compartment..
That I could use to lay out the grooves in the ends and the back...
Floor will be a 1/4" plywood panel....that will get glued into the rebate. 

Need some tools set out..next task is dovetails...

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Dovetail 101, pins first as usual..
Remember to knife the lines..
A bit of handsaw work..
The chop half way down on the show side...
Might as well use one of the chisels to build it's new home..
Then flip over, and clean out the pins..

Use these pins, trace around to lay out the tails.   Bandsaw to cut on the waste side of those lines...and remove the waste..
Router to clean up the groove...dry fit to see IF the grooves line up..
Then repeat for the other back corner..
Then get a start on adding a front...

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Ok..this layout was not going to work..
Mainly that bottom corner...so..new lay out was made..
And, back to pins first....but, there was a problem...
Tab was mis-cut..so that when the tails were done, and a dry fit made..
Well, I guess I can plug that spot, after a glue up...other end was a bit better...move a cut line a bit..
Gave things a little more "meat" for the tab to use..did a full dry fit of all 4 sides..
And sit it on the base.   Which will need cut for final length.   Needed a plywood panel...

Then a test fit....which showed things were a bit too long...crosscut for that...try again...
Hmmm..we have ways..
Plane a bit, test, plane a bit more, test fit again...Finally, panel fits!   Then pre-set a few clamps...
All dry fitted together, for now....will try a glue-up later today....IF me legs can get up and down the stairs to the shop.

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Bad night, last night...legs were cramped up badly at 0400 in the morning.
Upset..took until almost 0430 to get the to release enough that I could get back to sleep...then was woken back up at 0800..
Angry.decided to just stay up.    Went to do the glue up this afternoon-ish...did NOT have any Acid Brushes in the shop to spread the glue around with...
Upset  sooooo..

trip to Harbor Freight to get a supply of Acid Shop Brushes  $3 for a bag of 36 brushes...found a bag of sanding belts (5) for about $9...4" x 36"....as the one on the sander right now has been doing metal parts...drive down and back, plus walking around in the store, did nothing to help these old legs...so...will try for a glue up tomorrow, eh?

Tonic & Gin for the "Night-cap"...might sleep through the night?  
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Nice progress Bandit. Take care of yourself.
If you continue to cut corners, you'll end up going in circles!

It's my thumb so I'll hit it if I want to!
My wife is prone to leg cramps. She takes magnesium glycinate vitamins and they really help her to keep the cramps down. 

I'm sure your gin and tonic idea would help you sleep too, although I am not a gin guy.
Took yesterday off, from the shop...Harbor Freight trip?
5 belts for what Lowes wants for a single belt  Just under $9 counting Tax

Needed Brushes to spread the glue around with...wasn't any IN my shop, so..
$3 for these...so, this morning, after the Wake-up call in my left foot,,had to use a chisel or 2
As one corner needed pared for a better fit...and we are off!  (or so I have been told..)
Needed cauls on one end, other closed up fine as is..Those C clamps?
Front edge of the floor board is getting glued into a rebate...would have been a bit rough to nail it in place..

Checked one end for square...and decided to check the other, as well..
Will let this mess sit a day....stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Ok..no charlie horse wake-ups call this morning...so..
Case is now out of the clamps..back has been cleaned up..
As well as the front of the case...then worked on the ends..
And then the top edges were leveled..
Used the case to set the length of the base...and then had to flatten the Base..
Beginning to wonder..who was getting a workout, today...me or the Stanley No.3..

Then, since these sort of cases had a thumbnail detail around the base and the lid...start here..
mark the center of the board, and about 1/4" down one face..and plane a bit until a nice fair curve appears...turn the board around
I'm working on the end grain ends first...once both ends are done, and hand sanded,( 80 grit, then 220 grit), I can then do the long grain sides the same way..
Trying for a nice crisp corner..Tools needed?
Spokeshave where the grain allowed it to work...without digging in.That same old plane..squares to mark stop lines..pencil...

Next..some glue was brushed around the bottom edges of the case..and..
Needed a caul...and the bench vise as a 3rd hand...
And 3 along the back ...

Will let this sit a day...then MIGHT start on the drawer, next?   save the lid and the feet for last?

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
A case to store a few chisels in?

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