I think it might be time for some. I'd prefer they install on my existing gutters which are basic metal.  I would also prefer to install them myself.  Options?  I have been against them ever since my first house that had them, but they were loose/kept coming off so leaves, etc got under them and they just made the gutters harder to clean.


I made my own. $80 in materials including stainless self tapping screws from Amazon. I think about 120 ft total 6" wide gutters.

They do what I want them to do, we can get several inches in an hour and the old ones just washed over the gutter in torrential rain. They get the leaves and the water out. I want the water to go into the gutters and not the leaves. Made them out of galvanized hardware cloth. I didn't want fine mesh because they clog easy and water runs over them. I found several I liked but it would be $350 to $500+.. I'm a cheapskate.

It came down to making a choice. Gutter guards that keep the leaves out and the water in but they have to be cleaned once in a while or gutter guards that keep the leaves out and some of the water in but you don't have to clean them (Sheet metal or vinyl with slots or micro mesh).

I used 1/4" mesh. If I were to do it again, I would try to find a smaller mesh like 3/16" if it exists.

Here's a link to the ones I made
Neil Summers Home Inspections

" What would Fred do?"


I'm still finding screws on the ground that I dropped off the roof. I needed about 300 screws.
Neil Summers Home Inspections

" What would Fred do?"


That looks like exactly what I want. How is the cloth performing? I assume you cut strips off across the 36" width to end up with 36" long sections. How much are they overlapped? How did you fasten them to the gutter? Down through the top edge?


(05-06-2024, 11:01 AM)crokett™ Wrote: That looks like exactly what I want.  How is the cloth performing?  I assume you cut strips off  across the 36" width to end up with 36" long sections.  How much are they overlapped?  How did you fasten them to the gutter?  Down through the top edge?

What type of debris is getting in your gutters ? If it is maple seeds the 1/4" will allow the seeds to stick in the 1/4" holes then rot off and drop in gutter and clog it.   The 1/4" will also allow pine needles in but keep out the leaves and bigger stuff. If the pine needles drop straight not much will stop them.    Start off by what kind of trees are near and what type of seed pods or other debris they produce.  Roly

(05-06-2024, 03:02 PM)Roly Wrote: What type of debris is getting in your gutters ? If it is maple seeds the 1/4" will allow the seeds to stick in the 1/4" holes then rot off and drop in gutter and clog it.   The 1/4" will also allow pine needles in but keep out the leaves and bigger stuff. If the pine needles drop straight not much will stop them.    Start off by what kind of trees are near and what type of seed pods or other debris they produce.  Roly

Mostly leaves.  Little to no pine needles.  I mostly have oaks and other hardwoods.

(05-06-2024, 11:01 AM)crokett™ Wrote: That looks like exactly what I want.  How is the cloth performing?  I assume you cut strips off  across the 36" width to end up with 36" long sections.  How much are they overlapped?  How did you fasten them to the gutter?  Down through the top edge?

They're working as expected. I put these in around Christmas so they've only been there a few months but so far so good. Maple and Poplar seeds stick in them so I still have to clean them but I don't have to clean out the rotting leaves. I use a push broom to clean them off.

I have 6" gutters so I cut them 7" at the high side of the gutter and 7-3/4" once I get close to the downspout because the gutter is further from the shingles. 4 screws in each and I overlapped each one by 2 mesh squares. The leaves blow right off, the little stuff is an issue but the water still gets through.

The screws

The HDW cloth
Neil Summers Home Inspections

" What would Fred do?"


I folded over the ends at the end of the gutters and trimmed them to look nice to keep the birds out.
Neil Summers Home Inspections

" What would Fred do?"


BTW... that's crazy cheap for 300 self tapping stainless screws and they're really pretty decent.
Neil Summers Home Inspections

" What would Fred do?"


These have a good reputation w/my neighbors in a neighborhood that is basically within a forrest. 

No trees can be removed except within 10ft. of the structure and 3ft. of drives. 


Personally, I find a widemouth outlet takes care of most of the issue w/o toppers. 

Gutter Guards

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