Where can I buy HSS tool blanks that I can grind custom profiles?
I bought some from Woodcraft probably close to 30 years ago, I didn't see any on their website now.
Looking for 1 to 1.25 inch in width and 1/8 thick.
" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"


You may want to contact Thompson Lathe Tools directly. His tools are typically sold without handles, but I suspect he would entertain providing you with an unground version.
Still Learning,

Allan Hill
I use worn-out Jointer and Planer knives.
Captain Kirk was talking about my shop when he said: Space the final frontier!   

(06-17-2024, 10:14 AM)TheCabinetmaker Wrote: I use worn-out Jointer and Planer knives.

So, if there is a cabinet-makers shop in the OP's area, it might be worth checking to see what they do with worn out jointer and planer knives if they have not switched to carbide.

One could also post a WTB in SnS looking for worn knives that have been accumulating in someone's junk bin while they wait for a good use for them.
"the most important safety feature on any tool is the one between your ears." - Ken Vick

A wish for you all:  May you keep buying green bananas.
Reaching out to Doug Thompson wouldn't hurt, but that is a bit thin for what he produces.

Our local Woodcraft used to stock ~1/4" square tool steel that they used in the Turning 101 classes. They sold it in the store (usually) but did/do not list it on their website. Calling your local WD might give you a local lead. If they have classes in knife making or hand plane making, then you could probably get a good lead from them.

If you have a local metal-supply company, I would give them a call to see what varieties of steel they have in stock in the size that you are looking for. You might find that you have a selection of various HSS's and you would need to do some research about which alloy you want.

RoboHippy used to have good sources for material to laminate his ugly sticks, but he does not seem to come here very often anymore.

There is a reasonable chance that some place like Grainger would stock various tool steels, but they tend to be pricey for what you get.

If you have not already done so, posting your request in hand tools would probably get more responses for wide, thin tool steel sources.

Other than getting stock to build up one of RH's ugly sticks, I am having trouble visualizing what you might want to make. The only thing coming to mind id a wide chatter tool.

When you feel like it, I would be very curious about what you are making.
"the most important safety feature on any tool is the one between your ears." - Ken Vick

A wish for you all:  May you keep buying green bananas.
(06-16-2024, 08:33 PM)thinshavings Wrote: Where can I buy HSS tool blanks that I can grind custom profiles?
I bought some from Woodcraft probably close to 30 years ago, I didn't see any on their website now.
Looking for 1 to 1.25 inch in width and 1/8 thick.
There are many  metal supply houses that carry exactly what you want. McMaster Carr is one of many. Do a search for HSS tool blanks.
HSS blanks come in many widths and thicknesses and also in round stock.

(06-18-2024, 06:01 AM)mike4244 Wrote: There are many  metal supply houses that carry exactly what you want. McMaster Carr is one of many. Do a search for HSS tool blanks.
HSS blanks come in many widths and thicknesses and also in round stock.

I think Amazon may have what I'm looking for, also 1/8 inch thick was incorrect actually 1/4 inch is what I bought before.
Thanks for all the replies.
" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"


(06-18-2024, 06:07 PM)thinshavings Wrote: I think Amazon may have what I'm looking for, also 1/8 inch thick was incorrect actually 1/4 inch is what I bought before.
Thanks for all the replies.

I did some googling abut HSS's. Apparently, there are 3 different basic types of HSS depending on the class of alloy.

I found some 1/8" flat HSS stock on Amazon, but none of them (that I saw) said what kind of HSS they were. I did not check out the 1/4".

Probably more about steel alloys than you want to know.
"the most important safety feature on any tool is the one between your ears." - Ken Vick

A wish for you all:  May you keep buying green bananas.
I repurposed all my old harbor freight lathe tools. They are not expensive and already have a handle. Bought a second set and have only redone two out of that set. I have to watch the heat when I redo them. Although it's not like I use them everyday they hold some edge to do what I'm after.
You can buy HSS blanks all day long from Amazon.

The cheap Chinese ones give you no indication of metallurgy beyond that except most claim to be hardened to ~Rc60

Probably a cheap grade of M2 is my guess. By cheap I mean: expect mediocre composition and heat-treating. Still good for casual use tho.

If I had a signature, this wouldn't be it.
HSS handleless tool blanks

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