The background is the decision to build a larger dining table, one to seat 8 as opposed to the 6 as with the current table ...

[Image: 8.jpg]

Since the new table will have a contemporary, modern design, the carver chairs would fit with this, and the existing vintage bentwood chairs would blend in. My wife and I liked the size of this table (not the design), and were taken with the chairs ...

[Image: est-living-sorrento-light-house-wolverid...50x540.jpg]

Here they are from all angles ...

[Image: Chair-set1.jpg]

And this is the one I used as a model ...

[Image: Chair-seat9.webp]

Now the challenge was to build two chairs as close as possible without any given plans and having to create these and the dimensions from photos on the Internet. All-in-all, I spent some 5 months (of weekends) building these two chairs, in USA Rock Maple (which will be used for the top of the new dining table). I am definitely certifiable.

The build is elsewhere but I shall add a few photos here of the finishing tasks.

The first was that of glueing the arms to the legs. With all the angles, it was not possible to use clamps. My solution was to use packing tape - it has a little flex to pull tighter, and will hold at any angle ...

[Image: Final1.jpg]

The second task was to cut the end of the legs square with the floor. The kitchen bench top was a more reliable choice than the workshop floor ...

[Image: Final2.jpg]

[Image: Final3.jpg]

[Image: Final4.jpg]

The chairs were sanded to 240 grit and received a coat of hard wax oil. Tomorrow I will denib this and add a second coat. Here are photos from various angles. How close did I get ...

[Image: Final5.jpg]

[Image: Final6.jpg]

[Image: Final7.jpg]

[Image: Final8.jpg]

[Image: Final9.jpg]

Thanks for the support along the way.

Regards from Perth

Articles on furniture building, shop made tools and tool reviews at www.inthewoodshop.com

Derek, as always, your work is amazing.  Your build photos and explanation do an excellent job of detailing the complexity copying a design.  You are not only a talented skilled artist, but also very brave!!!
"I tried being reasonable..........I didn't like it." Clint Eastwood
Turned out great!
Superb work Derek!!

As usual!!
Mark Singleton

Bene vivendo est optimum vindictae

The Laws of Physics do not care about your Politics   -  Me
Wow! Derek, they came out fantastic!

I live 100 km south of Denmark where these patterns have been designed and maybe there for I really love them!
But I love yours even more, because you translated the machine pattern to a handcrafted chair. Yours are so much finer!

Take Care
Excellent workmanship as expected from the master! You also have a beautiful home with very clean and modern lines.
Still Learning,

Allan Hill
First rate build, Derek. The chairs look great.  I hope the challenges (so many) were fun. 

I have a question. Is there enough chair arm to rest your forearms on, or is it more natural to keep them inside?
Aram, always learning

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Web: My woodworking photo site
DC 09 Chairs - completion

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