My name is Roger Knight and I am Ray's youngest son and I'm using his account to share some sad news.

I understand he was quite active on here at different times over the years, though most recently, he was probably on here liquidating his woodworking tools, fixtures, and paraphernalia. He ultimately had to lay down his woodworking hobby due to his Parkinson's. I appreciate this community and his connection to it will always be special to me as my dad and I spent lots of time together on woodworking projects and classes. Wood, tools, restoring, and building (in the house or the woodshop) were a constant part of my young adult life as well as our adult relationship and I learned most of what I know about using tools and solving problems from him.

I just wanted to share this news and link his obituary for anyone who may have interacted with him here.


Thank you,

My condolences to you and your family for your loss.
I hope the fond memories of your father will help y’all heal during this difficult time.

Please don’t quote the trolls.
Liberty, Freedom and Individual Responsibility
Say what you'll do and do what you say.
So sorry to hear this. Thank you for letting us know and my condolences to you and your family.
RIP Ray. My condolences to all his family, sad news indeed. He will be missed. Thank you Roger, for letting us know.
I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.
Condolences to you and your family.
I think I made 3 trips to your dad's house during his liquidation, so a bunch of his tools and chairmaking supplies went to me. The first trip he spent the better part of a day showing me and a buddy around his shop and talking about all the tools, WW projects he made, and his love of old cars. He was a very friendly and generous man and I'm sorry to hear of his passing.
So sorry to hear about this. My condolences to you and your family. I always enjoyed his posts abd sharing of information. I saw his sale of tools and it's always a sad day when you have to give up a craft you love.

RIP Ray. 

Sorry to hear of your loss: my condolences.
Only knew Ray through this site , quite an epitaph. Condolences and blessings to you and family.

I, too, only knew Ray through this site.  I always enjoyed his input because I knew it came from someone who knew what he was talking about and could convey it in a straightforward manner.  Thank you for sharing your dad's obituary with us.  I would say your dad lived not only a life of service to others but also one that included time for family and personal passions.  I'm sure you'll miss your father every day, but what a great gift he gave you through the time you spent together in the shop.  

My condolences to you and your family.  


I am honored to be the current holder, and happy user, of a number of your father's tools. My condolences to you and your family. Ray was always a pleasure to communicate with. I'm sorry for your loss.
Sad News - RIP Dr. Ray Knight

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