So I got some diatomaceous  for ant control in my yard. The bag says to apply to areas you see critters with a puffer of some sort. Can I just grab a handful and toss it around the lawn? Is the puffer thing just to be dainty in areas you might want to keep relatively clean like a deck or something? I'm trying to make my lawn nicer for my almost 3 year old to play in, and not spread too many chemicals for him, or the dog, so walk around in. And some of the areas are sandy and really attract ants! 



basically, this stuff is like talcum powder, so it's REALLY light.  sorry, can't really offer much for some kinda puffer, but i just know what this stuff is like, cause it's what we use for our pool filter.  
At my house, it does no good. I prefer better living through chemistry.
Rocket Science is more fun when you actually have rockets. 

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." -- Patrick Henry
Here ya go.
The commercial units are only about $9.00, so I don't think I'd make my own.

We used to use Flit Guns, and they are still available under different names.

Amazon.com has a variety available for sale:  https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywor...ta6c39d8_b

The most expensive seems to be $77.00; and the cheapest seems to be $9.00.

The really expensive units are for metal finishing (powder coating), and that is not what you want.
No animals were injured or killed in the production of this post.
It's like a fancy turkey baster... Thanks guys.

And I've used plenty of chemicals in the past... just looking at alternative options. With ticks being as bad as they are this year in the Northeast, I just may have the whole yard sprayed.

(05-08-2017, 11:27 AM)Herb G Wrote: Here ya go.

That there's a good excuse to go get a soda
Big Grin

Wear a mask.  They say you can eat it- just don't breathe it into your lungs.

I use this stuff from tractor supply. It has clay in it so it doesn't drift in the wind as much and is safe for animals.

 I use a coffee can with a screen over it.

I should add, I can shake it into the small leaf blower and dust the yard in a few seconds.

Wonder if breathing diatomaceous earth is better or worse than rolling in grass sprayed with permethrin?

(well...honestly, no, I don't wonder all that much - I'd go with properly applied permethrin and keep everybody out until it is dried).
That leaf blower idea sounds interesting! I'll definitely keep an eye on the wind direction as I use it.

Spreading diatomaceous earth, how?

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