I am located in central Connecticut.

Prices do not include shipping.
Cash, money order and Paypal (fees paid by buyer) are all fine. First PM.

Off to eBay tomorrow if not sold.

Stanley 42X saw set. Like new, works smoothly, has most of the decal left. The box is pretty ragged and falling apart. The saw set is the “X” model, it is marked inside the handle. 
[Image: _MG_8268.jpg]

Another Stanley 42X, works great, no decal and no box with this one.
 $30 SOLD
[Image: Stanley_42X.jpg]

Round sided Stanley Bedrock 604C.  All “B” castings. Has a “bite” out of one side in the front and the other side in the back. Nice flat frog surface, cap iron fits nicely on Iron (V logo), no slop in the depth adjustment yoke, proper Bedrock lever cap. Nice early corrugated Bedrock plane.

[Image: Bedrock_4c.jpg]

Richardson Bros no. 7 panel saw, 18 inches, 10ppi, sharp clean plate. Etch is faint but readable. Handle shows wear around the bottom of the horns but the horns seem full length. Medallion is the Richardson “BEST” cross with patent date Dec 31, 1867 which is the patent date for Washburn split nut. Clearly not split nut. Great panel saw.
[Image: Richardson_Bros_7.jpg]

Another panel saw. Wheeler, Madden, & Clemson.  #25 XLCR, 20 inches long, 10ppi, still sharp. It has split nuts that look like they have been taken off at some point (or tightened down). Handle has been repaired (a long time ago). Top horn is a little stubby, great bird’s beak style handle. The etch is one of the best I’ve seen on a saw this old. The plate is shinier than the photos, It even has a nib!
[Image: WMC_saw.jpg]

Recent Stanley 750 chisels. All eight chisels . These are new in the original leather tool roll. They have not been used or sharpened beyond the way they came.  Great set.  
$120 SOLD
[Image: Stanley_750_chisels.jpg]

Buck Brothers Incannel crank-necked gouges. They look new, with some age spots. ½, ¾, 1 inch.  Blades still have bluing, copper ferules. 
$60 SOLD
[Image: BuckBros_Incannel.jpg]

Miller Falls breast drill No. 97. This is the king of gizmosity in hand drills. 10 speed! (really 2 speed on the crank and 5 different ratchet options, LH onward, RH onward, LH ratchet, RH ratchet, Plain.  I have seen very few in this good shape, decal is almost all there, colors are great, the black parts do show some wear. The gears are clean and smooooth turning.  So ratchet up your game, left hand, right hand, you can drill with the best of them.
[Image: MillerFalls_97.jpg]

Stanley 112 scraper plane. Great shape. About 80% japanning. Nob and tote are perfect, blade is marked Stanley, is sharp and ready to go (I just used it on a tabletop I am working on). BUT. That’s a big but, the bottom of the plane has a good size gouge out of it. It doesn’t affect how it works but it sure looks ugly.
[Image: Stanley_112.jpg]

That's all for now. Any questions please ask.

"You can't always get what you want"

I'll take the Buck Brothers incannel chisels if they aren't spoken for.

Thanks,  Eric

(06-15-2018, 07:35 AM)Eric Commarato Wrote: I'll take the Buck Brothers incannel chisels if they aren't spoken for.

Thanks,  Eric

Send me a PM.

"You can't always get what you want"

(06-15-2018, 10:09 AM)RoundToit Wrote: Send me a PM.


Rick, for some reason, your PM icon is not an option, can you please send me a PM?


I'll take the Stanley Sweetheart chisels. I too tried sending a pm. Could you please pm me.


Chisels and Planes and Saws OH MY!

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