Ok...boxes are done, for now....cleared off the bench.   put a bunch of toys away...then "pulled inventory" on the supply of Ash scraps in the shop..
Along with a 6' long 1 x 6 of the same stuff still upstairs....hmmmm

Looking at the "parts"...I see a few shelves,  a Top, and a Bottom...Parts for a frame & paneled door....maybe a face frame to go with it?   The six footer could be sides of a cabinet?
Confused   But, what kind?

have a decent collection of DVDs and a few CDs...scattered about in drawers....maybe build a cabinet to hold, and organize them?   Have a table beside the computer desk...might sit the cabinet on it?    Since I usually watch these things on my computer, wearing headphones....vol. set to 100%+..to drown out the  sounds of GrandBRATS, and Robo-callers.
Upset ..Would be nice to have things to where I can reach over, select the "Movie of the Week".....

Might be enough of the 1 x 6 to make the raised panel(s) for the door?   May get started this coming weekend....we'll see..Might even match the existing flavour of the Computer Desk?    
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Sounds good to me.... 

[From the guy trying to burn old decking before wife dreams up stupid birdhouses from it....]

(10-10-2019, 10:41 AM)hbmcc Wrote: Sounds good to me.... 

[From the guy trying to burn old decking before wife dreams up stupid birdhouses from it....]

I tried to salvage some deck boards. Ran some of them through the planer and noticed it was cutting slower and slower.  Looked at the blades and they were beat to pieces by the grit embedded in the boards. 
Upset  Penny wise and pound foolish. They burned well though. I live on a beach so no shortage of grit carried up to the deck. Maybe it wouldn't be a problem with paved walks and a grass lawn, but you don't need to tell your wife that. 

The 3 "shelf" boards may get resawn down a bit.....or just replaced with 1/2" or 3/8" thick Poplar....can always add a facing to the edges.    7/8" is way too thick for the shelves in this cabinet....need the room for the DVD cases, after all.
Winkgrin    may do a through dado, then add the face-frame to cover.   Will add a 5mm plywood back, set in rebates...will have to allow for that, when sizing the shelves.  
Cool  Not sure if the bottom will be that wide 1x or cut the sides into feet...
Need to decide which one to use
Rolleyes ....May use a panel saw, to cut that 1 x 6 x6' plank to lengths i can use...
To get it down to where the #358 Mitre Box can take over...

So far, this is about all the Single Brain Cell Sketch Up has come up with..
Cool ..need to go find either a Mr. Gumption, or a Mr. Motivation.
Rolleyes ..so I can start making some sawdust..
First off, I need to "clear the deck" for action...
Stay tuned
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Took that 1 x 6 x 6' plank to the shop...had to square an end, first...
I even knifed that line, for a change...
bench was cleared enough to work a bit...
Saw wanted to pull a tad to the right, a first....a pass or two along that edge with the oil stone...
And the "proper" grip...
Trying to split the line.   Checked for square?
Not too hateful.....?
Part 1...BRB for part 2..
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Ok...rinse and repeat..
Got 2 sides, an extra that MIGHT become a raised panel for the door...and a couple nasty ends pieces for kindling...
Outside faces of the 2 side panels...vs...
The insides.....the "extra"?
Will wait and see what size the door turns out to be...may use these..
And make it into a raised panel for the door...if not...we have other ways..
OR, use this plywood for the back of the case?
Top and a bottom for the case...haven't worked out what the "feet" will look like
Looks like next time, I get the planes working on these 2 boards...then decide how to attach the rest of the parts...
Stay tuned
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OK...Tuesday was a "Workout" day....Cleared away the end of the bench, and plopped a board on it..
made a plane stop, added a dog to the vise.   First, though, I wanted the edges jointed..so
Stanley No.6c....I also used the No. 6 smooth sole....just to see any differences..
None that I could feel, or see.
Cool   All edges jointed, and parallel, and both side panels match for width....which leaves..
Faces....a bit cupped....I used the No.6 planes to level things out...then..
A Stanley No. 4, Type 10 to smooth things out....checking with a square...
Looking for any high spots....was a busy day...
Some dummy forgot to turn on the Shop fan, I was getting soaked.  Cleaned up the edges on the blank for the bottom of the case.   Then a bit of layout..
"X"s mark the waste areas....yes, I do pins first.  layout was done, using the "Usual Suspects"
May try later this afternoon, to make a few saw cuts ( and remember to turn the fan on
Rolleyes )
Then maybe layout and cut the tails to fit?
Stay tuned
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bad edge?  Well....we have ways..from this..
Now you see it...
And now...you won't.   
Winkgrin  This will be the back of the case, and I can run a rebate for that plywood...
Other end had more ..."issues"..
Trying to "arrange" the cuts, to remove the issues....
Got all the pins done....made chopping tails almost a breese...to where I could test fit both of the sides, to the bottom of the case..
So I could check the top for size......
Since the blank I was going to use turned up too short...meet the new blank.  Will cut it for the proper length( with overhangs) and add those 2 strips to get the right width....I hope.   Blank WAS going to be a raised panel in the door...was.
Upset    Will need to buy a Handi-panel of 5mm plywood for the back of the case, and try to use that fancy grained plywood for a door panel.
Might even match the door panel on my Computer Desk's door....
Shop fan has "died",  may need a new one, soon.   2 hours of shop time, not much got done.
Stay tuned
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Going shopping, Friday....and see what I can pick up for this project.    Need to also get the Stanley 45 set up to do dados and rebates.....difference between the two?   Whether the spurs are up, or down.   Across the grain (dado) spurs rotate down.....with the grain, spurs rotate up...not needed..   Then make a jig to hold things steady..

Took today off....was watching some of the DVDs I intend to store in the cabinet....

maybe Saturday....I can get back to the shop....no rush...

Stay tuned...
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Jigs for a router?    We don't need no stinking router jig for dovetails...
Some may see those black lines as gaps....when they are merely black sharpie lines..
And since I need a mallet to install this in place....doubt IF there is any "gaps".  This is the second corner. 
Top was rough cut for length..
Decided to see how this "new" saw worked on Ash....11 ppi, 26" long D-8...wasn't too bad, too much set on the right side, will stone that.   Took the blank over to the #358 Mitre box, and squared up both ends....then the jointer plane ( Millers Falls #11) and then the Stanley No.4 , type 10 for the flattening of the faces..found a close match for the front's add-on...and planed it, too...
Idea being I can do through dados into the top, then glue the add-on to the front edge to close off the dados...tried to match the grain...
Not too worried about that bad spot ( knot) as we have ways...
dados mean I need to cut tenons...
So..how to cut these ( shoulder work to be done..)
Backsaw to cut a shoulder, (tried splitting off the waste, grain fought me..) chisel and a plane to complete..(plane is a Stanley #39   3/8" Dado plane)
Made a decent mess on the floor...along with a pile of saw dust over on the #358 Mitre Box....Used it to try shoulder wall cuts...was hard to see.
Not too bad, for an hour's work.   Started getting cramps in the toes....Uncle Charles said it was time to stop
Maybe  Tuesday,  I can try again?
Confused    Dados and rebates to do....shelves to cut to size....should be enough for one afternoon

Stay tuned..
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A Possible Project?

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