Putting together some planter boxes using 18ga nails and had a 'I probably shouldn't do that' moment... but did it anyway.  

Only enough brad to break the skin, but it was right on the fleshy part of the side of my hand at the base of the thumb... and the force of the nailer packs a powerful punch against that bone.  

Hurts like the dickens, but everything moves as it should so I'll hold the wife back for a couple days before I go get a picture taken.

Be careful out there!

A guy I know drilled through his hand having a similar moment. I haven’t gotten to see that yet. Only way I can picture it is a dull bit.

Hope your fleshy part feels better.

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
-Jack Handy

At least it was only one finger.  I shot myself through two!  Healed ok though, and I hope yours does, too.  


On most of the shows I watch,  I cringe when I see them use a nailer, especially when the expert just hands the gun to the homeowner with no safety instruction. But on one show, the host gave a nice speech about how you should always keep the hand not pulling the trigger at least 3 times the length of the fastener away from the end of the gun - he said he had seen a framing nail hit someting in the wood and make a U turn and come right out into the workers hand.  It is a practice I still try to follow.
Hitting the head of a drywall screw will guarantee a brad fish hooks back out the front of the workpiece.   I’ve never had a framing nail turn but a fair number of brads and staples

Bad experiences come from poor decisions. So do good stories. 

IME, brads are prone to go anywhere but straight if you hit curved grain.

Back in the late 70s or early 80s a young man had a fatal accident in his cabinet shop while working alone. Apparently he was holding cabinet case together by 'hugging' it. The case was on a bench and the work spot was chest high. Somehow a finish nail entered his chest deep enough to puncture his heart or artery close by. His family found him when he didn't return home when expected.

I have responded to 2 nail gun accidents. One in the head the other in the ankle. Guy with the framing nail in the melon actually tried to pull it out with a hammer. No kidding I saw his name running for office a few years later.
Guy with the ankle refused to let us cut his Carharts. Hospital had to sedate him.

Life isn't like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of Jalapenos. What you do today, might burn your rear tomorrow.

9-11 Never forget

(05-15-2023, 10:22 PM)firefighter Wrote: I have responded to 2 nail gun accidents. One in the head the other in the ankle. Guy with the framing nail in the melon actually tried to pull it out with a hammer. No kidding I saw his name running for office a few years later.
Guy with the ankle refused to let us cut his Carharts. Hospital had to sedate him.

Wow! A woodworker ran for office. Did he win?

"the most important safety feature on any tool is the one between your ears." - Ken Vick

A wish for you all:  May you keep buying green bananas.
(05-15-2023, 10:22 PM)firefighter Wrote: Guy with the framing nail in the melon actually tried to pull it out with a hammer. No kidding I saw his name running for office a few years later.

Considering the current state of things in Washington, this must be a prerequisite for running for office--

I've only had one...in dog beers.

"You can see the stars and still not see the light"
The Eagles: Already Gone
Shot myself

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