The morning shop time wasn't focus.

Fingers were getting too close to sharp saw blades.

Stopped, and closed the shop.
IF the Brain is not involved in what you are doing in the shop....things can go bad in a hurry...

...get back out of the shop.
Rest of the day, sat and "stewed" about it....

..finally got the head into working in the shop...focus had returned!

That, or I am a Stubborn Old Mic
Stomped back to the shop last night..

..clear any "extra" stuff off the bench. Made a jig to act as a Plane-stop..
This way, the part will stay put, and be close enough to the edge for the Stanley 45's fence to clear things. Added a bar to the vise, so I can lock the part in place. Stiles needed a bead along one edge..
You can also see the bar on the vise. Once the first bead was done, part was laid down, and the other two beads were made.
Had to keep clearing out the plane..
All that Pine Angel Hair tends to clog things up.....Finally got both stiles milled. The doubled bead is for the outside corner of the case
Maybe today, IF the brain is in gear to work in the shop, I can reset the plane-stop and work on the shorter rails. They get a face bead only.
Plan is to wrap around all the openings with a bead...beads will meet in a 45 degree joint.

Yes the case will get painted, and is just Pine...have to try to "dress it up" a little bit.

Stay tuned...