(09-18-2020, 10:47 AM)Derek Cohen Wrote: So what goes into the design of a pistol grip, say for a dovetail saw? We will accept that variations are required as each user has a different size hand and personal preferences. What areas do you consider important? Post a picture of your favourite design, but be sure to describe these features as well.
this could go for pages but my english is rusty and I am a slow writer on the keyboard.
I'm not a designer and I never learned a lot about the theory of handle making.
I loved the look of old saws and wanted to create my own.
I startet with old english tenon saw wich I rehandled.
Then I met Klaus and the things got faster. But not like we sat down and learned a lot of design. We did "design".
Our actual designs are the result of long fights between Klaus and me.
Klaus wanted a higher hang and a faster looking saw (ferrari) and I wanted a sturdy one the Range Rover.
I think we endet up with a set of really good looking and good working designs, at least that is the feedback from our customers.
So I don't have a concept in saw design and my last design is a few years old.
just a few loose thoughts:
Inside corner make a saw expensive, because it takes longer to sand it well
The wight of the spine and the rake influence the handle design a lot ond vice versa.
More wight, higher hang angle and less rake are more aggressive.
In the beginning we made saws that aggressive, that you could not start them in soft pine.
The shape of the hand part is best close to an olive. From side view and in diameter.
But that is difficult to draw in a handle with horns.
My profile picture has a bubble in the middle, that you critized a few years ago on ukw.
As you can see above i reduced it a bit.