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Joined: May 2003
This forum's search feature may return confusing results for you if you use more than one word. This is because
by default, searching for several words will return results with any of those words in it. So searching for router table will return posts that have the word "router" in it as well as posts that have the word "table". This is not very useful!
So, to solve this problem, you can
require that all of your search terms appear in the same post. To do this, you add a plus sign (+)
directly before the word, like so:
(Notice there is no space between the + and the beginning of the word.)
This will search for "all posts with the words 'router' AND 'table'." And this is usually what you want.
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Joined: May 2005
Is there a way to restrict the search result to show only the initial post from each matching thread?
If I do a title search, it is very redundant to get a result for every posting in that thread in the search result. And I can not see at a glance all of the relevent threads without paging through them.
May the forest be with you.
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I put a - sign in front of RE instead of a + sign and it only returns the first post.
Hope this helps
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Joined: Aug 2003
Sounds useful. What does RE means?
Posts: 440
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Joined: May 2003
When you post a reply to another post, the default subject line starts out "Re:". So if you exclude "Re" from your search, that helps remove replies.
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Joined: Jun 2004
WoodNet Manager said:
When you post a reply to another post, the default subject line starts out "Re:". So if you exclude "Re" from your search, that helps remove replies.
I believe you need to include the colon (e.g. "-re:") or it will not show any items with words containing "re" ("were", etc.).
"In the end we will conserve that which we love,
we will love only that which we understand,
and we will understand only that which we are taught."
-Baba Dioum
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Does anyone know if there are plans for the site to support RSS feeds? Or maybe it already does and I am missing something.
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Joined: Nov 2007
what dose the numbers in the parenthesis (--) stand for in the reply column
Happy Sawdust, Dale
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total replies (unread or new replies)
“The windows are open and I'm wearing pants.”
- Fire Wood
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Is there a way to search the archives? I am looking for a post that occured back in 2003. Are threads that old even kept in archives?