12-28-2014, 07:41 PM
Start and finish my basement reno once and for all.

A New Years - What are you planning on doing this year?
12-28-2014, 07:41 PM
Start and finish my basement reno once and for all.
12-28-2014, 08:23 PM
Finish the bedroom set I started last winter. It got put aside to get some outdoor stuff finished for spring. Then fishing season took over.
![]() I should have stuck with woodworking. ![]()
See ya later,
12-28-2014, 08:48 PM
I think this is a good exercise.
1). Frame and finish the inside of my shop. (Insulated metal building now, I plan to frame up the interior and put up osb for wall paneling. 2). Finish my "practice" workbench. 3). Work more hand tools into my woodworking. I have a decent compliment of planes and a decent set of chisels, but have no idea how to use most of them. 4). Build more furniture for myself and my family. All of my best stuff is in other people's houses. 5). Buy one heirloom tool. Jointer or planer preferably. I have been limping by on small shop stuff. I want to start early buying lifetime tools. Big, heavy, wide, helical head...stuff my kids will be proud of when they sell it at the garage sale. That's probably plenty for now.
12-29-2014, 09:30 AM
I asked LOML to list and prioritize the projects she wanted.
She gave me a list with 5 items. I took the list and added all the things she had actually asked for breaking some of them into separate projects. For example, her list didn't contain the projects like this: she wants the door to the storage shed moved from the east wall where it's exposed to the elements to the north wall where it'll be under a shed roof. In my mind, that's (1) build a door, (2) cut the wall opening and frame and hang the door, (3) remove the existing door and seal it up with a window installed. Most of the projects she wants are truly individual projects. The finished list was more than one sheet of college ruled notebook paper. I've completed about 2/3 of them. ![]() In 2015, I think the 3 big projects are: (1) build a big screen TV cabinet (2) build a king size bed (3) build a cabinet and install a convection oven
Please don’t quote the trolls. Liberty, Freedom and Individual Responsibility Say what you'll do and do what you say.
12-30-2014, 02:03 PM
I am going to concentrate on cutting dovetails and mortise and tenons by hand. I really want to challenge myself with hand tools in 2015.
12-30-2014, 05:22 PM
I am going to try to accomplish one thing, and one thing only. I predict that I will fail miserably, and probably before February is over. Nonetheless, the attempt will be made.
I HEREBY AVOW THAT I WILL PURCHASE ONLY ONE NEW TOOL PER PROJECT! Disclaimer - The following exclusions apply: *Sets count as only one. *This also does not include the tools that I purchase for rehab and future sale. *Tools that hold collectible value and will increase in value do not count. *Tools that are deemed too good to pass up for the price (not retail) are also exempt. *Tools that look at me forlornly and with big, sad, puppydog eyes are also exempt. *Tools that have the capability to call me by name in an auction box lot are also exempt. *Tools that sneak their way into my shop without my knowledge are also exempt (somnambulance is a disease!) Ummm... never mind. This was a bad idea. ![]() .
" The founding fathers weren't trying to protect citizens' rights to have an interesting hobby." I Learn Each Day 1/18/13
12-31-2014, 04:33 AM
I'm going to finish and install the pantry cabinets I'm building then start building kitchen cabinets.
I'm also going to finish clearing out the garage so I can relocate our bikes from my shop. Last but not least, get some of the stuff I never use out of the shop so I can move around without tripping over something.
01-02-2015, 06:39 AM
I just finished and mailed the Widow's Box Project I started before Christmas. Next on my list was a new rack for handguns for the gun safe that would accommodate the breeding that has been going on in there. It's like the numbers have doubled in the last few years. It's dark in the gun safe so I don't know why I didn't expect this.
![]() The new rack will have drawers underneath for the various magazines that accompany the semiautos and the speedloaders and speedstrips for the revolvers. Also a drawer for the extras like the tactical lights. Maybe even space for the little extras for a couple of the long guns. I have been working on some sketches, trying to overcome the problem of the placement of the shelf the rack sits on. The drawers won't be able to run all the way across the front of the rack due to the edge of the door frame on the safe. Meh... I'll make 'er work. It's part of the challenge. If that goes well, perhaps a box for a lower shelf on the same rack to hold the knife collection, this would free up the top shelf in the safe for a couple other things that need a home. After that, possibly another Widow's Box for a friend, some presentation or keepsake boxes, and I want to try a wooden multicar toy train.
Jim in Okie
You can tell a lot about the character of a man - By the way he treats those who can do nothing for him.
01-03-2015, 02:12 PM
Plans are worthless but planning is everything.
Despite the fact that plans and priorities are likely to shift over the year I really enjoy the process of looking back at past progress and setting goals for the coming year. Here are the woodworking/shop related goals I'm shooting for in 2015: 1) Finish the walnut queen bed I've been working on since September 2) Build a step stool for my son 3) Upgrade my electrical service (prerequisite for shop build and possible future addition to the house) 4) Draft a plan and budget for the shop build 5) Finish a project with shellac that doesn't come from a can 6) Get my daughter involved in at least one shop project 7) Attend either WIA or Handworks 8) Acquire a usable vintage crosscut saw or rehab one that I already own 9) Improve tool storage (get the planes out of the nest of shavings on the shelf on my Roubo bench) 10) Participate in the secret santa gift exchange 11) Stretch Goal - Start the shop build (ideally get the shell dried in) The list of furniture and other projects on the to-do list is quite long so I'm hoping to knock off a few more (end tables, night stands, toddler bed, dresser and desk for my daughter, etc...) but those will quickly get sidelined if we decide to pull the trigger on starting construction of the shop this year. Happy new year and best of luck with all of your goals and resolutions!
07-07-2015, 08:37 PM
Time for a mid-year update. The first half of the year has been crazy busy and more than most years plans have changed quite a bit since January.
I hope you guys are doing better than I am ![]() -Chris ckx707 said: |
Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. We may receive a commission from sales referred by our links; however, we have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality.