Since Christmas Day I am finally going home. It was touch and go for several weeks but am 90 lbs lighter and able to walk with the aid of a walker right now.

I will have several weeks theropy as an out patient but expect full recovery.

Again I want to Thank Everyone for your prayers and kind thoughts. Once again hate to bust in on this thread and can't wait to being active here and getting back in my shop. I missed everyone and being here, it was not a good year for me as you all know.

Great news, Steve!
“The windows are open and I'm wearing pants.”

- Fire Wood
Glad to hear this Steve. Keep working the PT, its important. We are all thinking about you.
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Non impediti ratione cogitationis
Wonderful! Look forward to having you back and in the shop.
Steve, that is such great news!!!!! We all know that you have had a very rough time of it since Christmas..but hopefully all that is behind you now and you are on the road to full recovery!!!! We'll keep lifting your name up in prayer, but you do what the docs say and put your heart into the rehab..Before you realize it, you'll be doing more and more on your own and getting back to full speed....AND please, keep us in the loop, let us know how you're coming along!!!!!!
Often Tested.    Always Faithful.      Brothers Forever

Jack Edgar, Sgt. U.S. Marines, Korea, America's Forgotten War
Get off my lawn !

That's great Steve. I'm really glad to hear that. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
http://ancorayachtservice.com/ home of the Chain Leg Vise.
Good to hear.
Fantastic! Home is a much better place to get better!

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