08-23-2016, 01:22 PM
I know some folks "poh-poh" the use of evapo-rust and for the life of me, I don't know why. In the past I used electrolosis with a batter charger but I think it's a pain in the rump. Evapo-rust does turn things gray but that only lasts a few days till the metal exposes itself to the elements. Once that happens, I wipe down the tools with a tiny bit of motor oil.
This is a 4-1/2 soaked overnight. . It wasn't a total basket case but it was rusted throughout. Rinsed in cold tap water and wiped down with a rag.
This is a 4-1/2 soaked overnight. . It wasn't a total basket case but it was rusted throughout. Rinsed in cold tap water and wiped down with a rag.