12-13-2016, 12:08 AM
Go to Home Depot or Lowe's or your nearest large garden center. They all have long planter boxes. Make sure you get the one that doesn't have a hole drilled in the bottom, some do. The one I found at Lowe's was 30"L x 8"w x 8"h. Perfect for every size plane.
A tip, if you don't mind. Buy some cheap marbles and put them in the bottom of the planter. They keep the plane up off the bottom so the vinegar or Evaporust can work there well, too. It also takes up some of extra space (displacement, if you will) so that you don't have to use tons of the liquids.
I've cleaned hundreds, if not over a thousand planes and vintage tools, and I preferred Evaporust to vinegar. One gallon of the stuff will clean dozens of planes without losing efficacy. Even when it looks too dirty to be good, it still works. Every once in a long while, I'd filter it, but it definitely isn't necessary. That's my preference over vinegar, electrolysis, and citric acid. Citric acid with hot water and a little scrubbing is my 2nd favorite 'bath' method.
Since receiving a media blaster a few years ago, I don't use the Evaporust much anymore, but occasionally it'll still get a project.
A tip, if you don't mind. Buy some cheap marbles and put them in the bottom of the planter. They keep the plane up off the bottom so the vinegar or Evaporust can work there well, too. It also takes up some of extra space (displacement, if you will) so that you don't have to use tons of the liquids.
I've cleaned hundreds, if not over a thousand planes and vintage tools, and I preferred Evaporust to vinegar. One gallon of the stuff will clean dozens of planes without losing efficacy. Even when it looks too dirty to be good, it still works. Every once in a long while, I'd filter it, but it definitely isn't necessary. That's my preference over vinegar, electrolysis, and citric acid. Citric acid with hot water and a little scrubbing is my 2nd favorite 'bath' method.
Since receiving a media blaster a few years ago, I don't use the Evaporust much anymore, but occasionally it'll still get a project.
" The founding fathers weren't trying to protect citizens' rights to have an interesting hobby." I Learn Each Day 1/18/13