Nice looking creation there Angus. Congrats ! Is it strickly artwork? Or is there some functional aspect?
In regards to the picture posting issues, I agree that it's a real tax for most everyone to post pics and is definitely a big reason for reduced participation. It took me a while to learn how to do it also.
I got so fed up with photobucket, I tried another place called imageshack at
Here After the initial free period, they want you to pay for the ability to post photos. So, I ignored it for a while and then they offered ½ off for one year. So that was cheap enough to buy it (it was 10 or 20 bucks). Naturally right after that, I got a great deal to join Amazon prime, which allows me to do the same thing.
If you post a picture somewhere the steps I use to link to it here is this:
1. get photo posted somewhere
2. select the photo in that "somewhere else" , in other words be sure to be viewing that picture in that other place
3. with the mouse within the boundries of the photo, RIGHT click and choose properties, and then HIGHLIGHT the full address of the photo, then right click on that highlighted address and choose COPY, then click OK in the properties area, or click on CANCEL, to exit the photo properties.
4. Then come back to Woodnet and within a message, you insert it, by choosing the "Insert an Image" feature, which is the "Icon" on the feature bar when writing a message here. The feature bar is the line above the area you are writing a message. It includes font options like bold, italic, underling, etc.