04-20-2019, 01:24 PM
This is the one that was introduced in 2016 and they had that introductory offer of $99. I bought one and got mine in Oct. 2016. Since then it has done nothing but sit on my shelf. I think I plugged it in and turned it on, but that was it. So I've decided to sell it. The darn thing doesn't take the same discs as my others, the DC connection is smaller than my others, and in all honesty I don't really need it. So I'm selling it (sort of) for what I paid: $100. But I'm asking for shipping also (I got free shipping). I'll ship USPS priority unless you want something different. I'd like this go to someone that will use it...I'm not offering this up for someone to flip. I know I can't control that, but it is my request. I'm including the invoice so you know I'm not blowing smoke abut the dates, etc. It came with that $50 coupon and I put it up on the old Christmas auction and got $20 for the kitty out of it. Anyway, pics:

I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.