Apologies for not closing this one out sooner but life has its many distractions. Anyway, my BIL and I ended up taking a Saturday in February to do our thing to the finish of my niece's car. He bought a rejuvenator product and spent a lot of time and elbow grease working with that product. I was surprised how much it improved the look of the delaminated sides of the car. Really impressive. Certainly not good as new, but completely camouflaged the de-lamination lines.
As for the roof, we ended up removing the paint to bare metal, and then painted it with a rattle can matching Nissan primer/paint that my local auto paint supplier provided. 2 cans were about $100 as I recall. Then we clear coated with the 2-part epoxy clear coat that can be purchased on line. 2 cans of that as well. Here's the crazy part though. We had to do this work in an unheated garage on what turned out to be one of the coldest days of the year. I warned my BIL that I could not be responsible for the quality of the paint job given the temps (in the 20s that day). He said we had no choice as my niece needed to go back to school the following weekend and certainly the car needed to sit for a couple days to allow the paint to cure. So it was that Saturday or never.
We gathered all the heating devices we could find and I found an old halogen work light to add to them and we deployed those in the garage. Maybe we got the place up to the mid to upper 40s. I also suspended the halogen light above the car roof so it heated the surface. My neice used a hair dryer and kept a steady flow of warm air over the roof as well. Under those conditions I sprayed the roof with first the black primer/paint (3 coats, using up the rattle cans) and then 3 coats of clear from the rattle cans. It was hard to get a good idea of the quality of the job in the poor and varied light of the garage. But we stayed with the heat throughout the application and for a good half hour after the final coats were applied. Then we left the car to sit and I actually never came back to see the car (done at my in-law's vacant house midway between me and my BIL).
Apparently the car got rave reviews from my niece and her mother, my SIL. My niece called me about a week ago to thank me again for the great job on the car. She loves how good it looks compared to previously, and has no compunction about being seen in it

. So, there you go. Apparently successful project completed totally agains all the rules. Desperate fathers using desperate measures for their daughters.
Thank you all for your input as well.