06-22-2021, 04:14 PM
Have cast and turned a few pens with a poly resin without a pressure pot. Some turn out alright while others seem too brittle and difficult to turn without chipping. Decided to maybe get a cheap pressure pot (Harbor Frieght) and give Alumilite a try. There's where the confusion starts! Alumilite Clear Cast, Clear Cast Plus, High Gloss Deep Pour, Clear Slow etc....... there's where the first question comes in: Which product is best for turning pens, and maybe some wine stoppers. Should mention that my pen castings will be with the tubes labeled, so casting a blank solid then drilling won'work. Leading to my next question: Can I pour about 1/4 ", pressure pot it, add the pen tube, pour another 1/4", pressure pot, pour a final 1/4", pressure pot. Will the seams between layers be visible using this method? or is there another method that won't show the layered seams? Any advice , input appreciated before I run out and spend more money on equipment that won't work for my application. Then again "he who dies with the most tools wins". Hope I didn't make everyone as confused as I am! Thanks