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Of the 7 planes I had to rehab....everything but 2 have either found a shelf to sit on, or a new home...the 2 left out in all of this?
Sold by Sears Craftsman, made by Sargent...No. 79. One is complete, the other can be used as a shoulder plane.....decided to build a box to store them in...that was the, Lowes to buy 3 planks of "Craft Lumber"...
Hmmm, Lowes is importing Pine lumber, now?
Well, it is Clear Pine, at any rate...Total cost for the 3 boards, after the 10% discount, and after the 7% sales tax....$16.25....
Next trip to the shop (Laundry Detail) was a LONG one (had to wait on the Laundry to get done, right?)Full Laundry hamper, and 3 boards were hauled to the shop..
Wasn't really going to use the it was cleaned off, for use as an assembly table....again..that WAS the Plan...
Was just going to make a few cross cuts..
Using the Stanley No. 358..mainly due to it cutting perfect 90 degree cuts..
No need to fiddle around with a shooting board, even IF I could find mine, again...4 cuts
Right about now, plans started to change...old saying" The best battle plan in the world, is only good until the first shot goes off.."
"First Shot" was when I looked around for a 1/4" plywood panel to make a bottom for the box..
So much for not needing the shot...
Something did not look just right...can you tell? Lets sit a plane in the box..
Way too tall...have almost enough for two boxes......hmmmmm.....also two planes will NOT fit in the box, without sitting on each other, and rattling around...would be better to make a box for each? Have enough Pine for 2, and enough 1/4" plywood for 2 bottom panels....back to the drawing board....spent the second hour of shop/Laundry time getting things set up...
Stay tuned
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Reset the rip fence a bit.
Now have all the side cut to match and make 2 boxes....I had cross cut 2 out of 3 planks...and had a bit of leftover from both
IF I mark out how wide a lid I MIGHT need, rip that extra of , keeping the center line intact...and match the grain..might make at least on panel for one lid? OK...then need to joint the edges..
Then a bit of glue, 3 pairs of cauls, and a few clamps...
And set this aside, out of the way for a day or two....
had the Usual Suspects rounded up, to mill finger/box joints for the least for the first box...may get fancy for the 2nd one..depends..
Begins with the Stanley SW No. 68 set to the thickness (1/2") of the boards, and marking all the ends...i came back with a pencil so I can SEE them, take the two long sides, and put them together face to face, was trying to keep the "best" face out..stand these two up in the vise, and grab the 6mm chisel that will be doing all the chopping...
Step in towards the center...chisel setting how wide each finger will be...then the combo square to carry the line down and around...
Separate these 2, easier to saw, that way...drop one lower in the vise...
And make a bit of sawdust with the old #4....
Set up a chopping station..
Square and a knife, to cut a knife wall as the "Baseline"
Stay tune...BRB..
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Ok, chopping time ( clothes are NOW in the dryer, when they are done, so am I)
Start with the outside (Show) face....chop about halfway down, leave a small front porch for support..goal is to prevent any blowout from chopping from the inside...seems to work...then flip the board over..
And finish the choppings..clean up as need to straighten any crooked stuff...this will be the pattern when the matching fingers are marked out...I stand the fingers up onto the next board..
Just trace a bit around each finger with a SHARP pencil...then finish the layout with a square..
This time around, I saw on the waste side of the lines, trying to leave as much of the line as the saw will let me (blame the saw, not the sawyer..) I also mark the insides of the boards....a big IN to show which is the inside face, a T for top of the box, and the B for the bottom of the box....and, since this is the first corner I'm doing, both halves get a #1 rid by the fingers...helps during the glue ups...
Same as before, chop the waste out, clean it up a bit.try a dry fit...
Not too hateful? First ones are usually the worst..I tend to get a bit better as I go along. whole joint takse about..15 minutes to do.
Clothes are done..time to stop here, for a day.....
Mini Load of Laundry....about an hour in the shop, this time...means Corner #2 will get done..
Corners #1 and
Corner #3 done...what is slowing things down is the picture taking...anyway....
All 4 corners are done, Laundry is over into the dryer..I think that will do, for now..
Next episode? Whole lot of rebates going on....going to put those two planes to work...
Stay tuned..
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Begins with a layout line, to show where the rebates will be....
Make sure the side says "IN"(side) and there is a "B"(ottom) where you will be cutting the rebate..gather the Usual Suspects..
As it turned out, didn't NEED the Woodie...the two #79s will work just fine..
The fenced version cut the rebate...the un-fenced was used as a Shoulder plane, to clean up areas..
Like where that red circle also fine tuned the depth, until the plywood panel would sit flush with the edge...
When each side was done, it was time to assemble things..
Sit the plywood panel in place..
And get a supply of clamps set up, for now..
That way the clamps are ready to go, when the glue is...also checked how the gaps closed up...flipped this mess over, to see how well a plane will fit..
have one more chore for those 2 planes, as a panel had just came out of the clamps...
Needs trimmed for length AND width...
Stay tuned..
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Ok, pine panel has been trimmed down to size...needs some layout line drawn..
Need to mill a rebate all around, on the inside face. Rebate is to fit in a groove, to form up a lid...I worked on the end grain first..
Tried to rotate the spurs down to cut across the grain...bolts won't budge..we have ways..
I used that utility knife like the spur, pull it across 5-6 times....then deepen the cut to the depth needed..
So that what is left will match the width of that #12 (1/4") cutter...once both ends were done, then the long grain sides can be done..
Then, just a check to see IF enough was taken off that the panel will fit into the box..
A bit snug, but should do the job....
Have the Stanley 45 all set up..
Fence has been Micro Adjusted, depth stop set...
Next up? Need to take the box apart, plough some grooves, dry fit....then mark where to saw to split off the lid, once the glue has cured..
Will try that...and while the glue sets up on Box #1, I can get a start on Box #2?
Stay tuned...
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11-27-2021, 03:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2021, 03:43 PM by bandit571.)
About time to put that plane to work...have the BP spike issues now on Laundry
First thing, I need a jig..
Nothing real fancy, just enough to hold things still...while the 45 goes by..
Once the 45 is done..things should look like this...
Need to dry fit, to see IF the depth is correct..(one wasn't, re-jig, and cut some more)...
Work on the 2 ends first, then reset the jig for the longer sides...
And keep dry fitting..
Only one more to go.....Brought out the WR #62, to fine tune a couple spots...then the glue-up helpers...
Cup of water for the acid brush, and I guess you know what the mallet is for...
Glue got mooshed around the fingers, then mallet and clamps to pull things together..
Starting to be a Busy day...and wasn't over yet....BTW: 1st load of Laundry is done, second load started, and now in the dryer...
Pine panel will float in the grooves, Plywood panel is glued into it's rebates...will come back later and add some nails...
Stay tuned, I also got a start on Box #2...
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BEFORE that glue up occurred, I made sure to mark a roughly size pine board for Box#2's lid... board itself wasn't quite wide enough, had to add a strip, trying to match the grain...
Close enough? Edges did not need to be jointed..
Might have been both "Factory" edges? Close enough ( NO gaps) that a bead of glue was mooshed between them, then a few pairs of cauls and some clamps...
Bench Vise does come in handy as a 3rd hand....
So, when I can have my vise back...these will make up Box #2....Through dovetails...need to set that bevel gauge...
Stay tuned.
BTW: I also remember to mark where to saw the lid off of Box #1...
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Ok, this will be a 2-parter. 18 photos to post. Worked last night until cramps were hitting in my toes..and had to stop..
Pine panel was the first out of the clamps, as I needed my bench back...
The usual issues...we have ways..
Millers Falls No. 9, Type 4 (the last of the good types) worked it way across, level the glue joint, and worked on that divot...then set this aside
Box then can come out of the clamps...lots of fingers standing up proud...sanded them down flush, and then planed each side flat and smooth..
Box did come out square. I also needed to sand the plywood bottom panel a bit, as for the "lid"..
Around the "rim" needed to be planed down flush with the panel, and all needed to be leveled...because, the next stop along the way was..
others could hand saw this, or even use the bandsaw (BTDT, NOT good results) I need to just barely cut the line that red arrow is pointing to. Slide the box through 4 times, one for each side...without the thing tilting at all. Then set both parts on the bench for a look..
Hmm..issues at the corner? Open this up and look inside..
Shorter ends being the main problem areas...used the No. 9 to level those areas. For the longer sides, need a longer plane, just an old jack plane..
Stopping now and then to check on the fit...
Corner on the right was a tad high....plane some more. Also wanted to make sure the plane will fit inside this
Looks like it just might fit...
End of Part 1, stay tuned for Part 2
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Part 2 of the Sunday Funnies?
Plane did fit, but needed a way to keep it still while in the
A scrap of the same pine as the box. Needs a notch...this will help support the handle, and keep the plane against the side of the box...
Glue and clamps, used the plane to make sure the keeper was in the right spot. Found another such scrap of Pine, used that to also support the handle better, glue and clamps for that...set the box aside...and even cleaned off the bench!
Until the Usual Suspects showed up..
6" Stanley SW bevel gauge, a couple squares, a Utility knife, and a Stanley SW No. 68 Marking gauge....and one of the ends for box #2. It would seem I need to lay out some through dovetails....and, since I do Pins first ( my shop, my rules)
About as far as I got...other than getting a saw out...a "Special" saw...
Made by Geo. H. Bishop Co. A No. 10 that bar is a depth stop, just slide the blade up or down as need be...both edges have teeth, fine or coarse, can switch to either as needed. Have the bar set at 1/2" depth for the fine tooth side...will see how this goes.
Today being a Monday, shop is usually closed. Had to stop last night due to my toes were cramping up, was hard to walk. Might have been working too hard, last night?
Stay tuned...maybe Tuesday when I get back to the shop, cramps willing...will try to get the hinges and latch installed on Box #1...and then make a little saw dust..
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Ok..between errands and Honey-dos today.....made for a very late start in the shop...3:40pm start...
Hauled a package of hinges to the shop...moved Box No.2 out of the way..
Should be enough for both boxes. Clamped the lid to the bench...laid out for hinges,,,and did a bit of chopping..
While Pine is easier than Ash to drive a screw...helps to drill a pilot hole, to help start it WHERE I want it to go...
Got a bit carried away with the first 2 holes...drilled right on through..Ooops. Started to count the turns the eggbeater made...8, I think was the magic number. That thing beside the drill, a Ratchetool ractheting Screwdriver....with the smallest Phillip's tip I have....did not take too long before..
Lid had hinges installed...then laid out on the box, mark for the (Hopefully) matching mortises...and then install the lid to the box..
Then close the box up...and see how it looks..
Hmm, need to fill them square holes, once a latch is installed..
Had a small strip of Ash scrap...cut little squares off of it....bit of glue and a hammer...
Sand smooth. That small hole will just get the Simon Special Filler....yep, sawdust & glue...
All the sharp corners were given a slight was sanded to 220 grit, for now....will let this sit until Box No.2 is done..then finish them both at the same time..
Camera battery had run out....time to stop for the day..time? 5:10 pm...about 90 minutes of shop time...might have just got a wee bit done?
Next up? Box No.2
Stay tuned
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