Scrap Pile Refugees
Ok, fixed that layout problem...though I kept checking myself...
Then made sure the tails would work..
Which meant that little nibs like that needed to go...
Lines are showing...wasn't happy with the
I let Geo. Bishop's No.10 saw have a go...since that bar is already set to 1/2" depth of cut..
And, after more chopping and clean-up..3 corners are now more to go for this box.  

Stay tuned
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Yep, Corner #3 was very tight..
As any further required a mallet....was also hard to get back I needed to get #4 done..
Just not quite as tight...dry fit was done, then the glue, glue brush, and a few clamps..

When the clamps come off later today..I have some pins to trim back...
Just a tad....then see about adding a bottom to this....thing.

Box #2 will get finger/box joints for it's corners...after this #1 box is done..

Stay tuned..
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Well... that didn't take very long...about as long as this right leg will allow...seeings how it also did a lap around inside of Walmart, shopping with the Boss.

Clamps removed, and put away..

All 4 sides have been cleaned up, proud pins leveled down...all 4 sides are now square on the outside.  Top and bottom edges have been planed level..

Panel for the bottom of the box has been cut to size...and glued in place...

Film at 2300 hrs....after I go back to the shop for some picture takings....
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Was a busy day for the old #8..
Was just about the right size.  Behind it?
That would be a glue up going on...
Corner details..clamps?   About half came from Harbor Freight, the other half from yard sales..

let this sit awhile....then plane the bottom's edge to match the bottom of the box..
Stay Tuned..

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Ok, an that the Drill Press Stand is done ( for now)

Box was cleaned up after the clamps came off..
Goal being to match the bottom panel to the box's sides..and ends..
And since the box rocked a bit while sitting flat on the bench...
A hand plane to level the more rocking...

Lid was too thin to add hinges to...decided a collar might help that, something like this?
Simple(yeah, right) corner joints..
One large tail, with a pair of small half pins....

4th corner was done today...
Even doing pins first...bunch of saw cuts to make chopping easier..
Use this to lay out the tail...then some glue, a brush to spread it around...and bunch of clamps...
Panel was also added into the help get things square.  Letting this sit a day..
Maybe tomorrow, I might get to the hardware stuff? 
Stay tuned..
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Lid came out of the clamps...needing squared up, corner joints cleaned up, and the top sanded smooth...
As it had some showy grain details...
There was an issue with the fit between the box and the lid...and not all was the box's fault..
We have ways..
A "Gap Removal Tool" aka Millers Falls No. 8, Type 2(#3 size) to level both, until no gaps showed

Might as well get the hinges installed..
Eggbeater drill has the pilot hole drill bit.  Then, flip the box over, and install a latch..
That hopefully works..
Ok...Can of Amber Shellac...and a brush....brush?   Oh, those are STILL upstairs..grrrrr..anyway...brush a coat around on the insides, and then the outsides...
Letting this sit a spell, then a rub down, before Coat #2...

Almost time to start on Box #2?
Stay tuned...
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2 coats seems to be about right...set this aside..
Dig out the 4 parts for Box #2....
Which needed the ends squared up, lengths matched up...hard to lay out joints, otherwise..
To lay out finger joints, I use the chisel(s) that will be doing the chopping...
In this case..a 6mm width.....
Have enough trouble keeping track one one part, let alone 2....set one aside..and get out the saw..
I'll TRY to saw on the waste side of the lines....
The bar is set as a depth stop.   Then clamp the part to the bench..
Outside face up, and chop about halfway down...prevents blowouts from chopping from the inside face...flip this over...
Complete the chops.   Be careful, them little squares will come flying straight back at you.  

Use these fingers to lay out the matching set.....saw, chop, flip, and chop....then a dry fit....pare as needed...until...
It fits.   One corner done..only 3 more to do...

Stay tuned..
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When I laid out the first cuts, I marked both long sides.   So, time to start corner #2...since it was already laid out...
Saw the lines, trying to keep things even, then, set up to chop from both faces...
Clean things up a bit...then stand this up..
Trace around each finger, mark which will be the waste....saw, chop, flip, chop, and test the fit.....
Locate where to pare...still needed a mallet for a dry fit...
Still had a couple spots to more time..
I think that will do....I seem to be getting a tad bit better at these....might get the hang of it, someday?

Maybe later today, I can try for #3 and #4 corners?
Stay tuned..
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One last dry fit..
Then get ready for a glue up..
All laid out in order...brush to apply the glue...then a bunch of clamps..checking for square as I went along..
Nice view!   Was also able to cut a panel for the glued on bottom..
Let the box sit in the clamps a day,  then level the bottom edges and then glue and clamp the bottom panel in place..

Had an issue with the saw...
In that it wasn't cutting deep had slid down a bit on the toe....hammer to adjust it back in place, re-tighten the handle..back to work
Geo. H. Bishop No. 10 saw....according to both etches.

Stay tuned, need to figure out a lid for this box, sometime..
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Box was out of the clamps...plane to clean up a few edges, and try to level the top edges for the lid to sit on..
For places one doesn't need a bench plane to go....No. 60-1/2 works just fine,,

Lid was thick enough, that I didn't need to add a collar to it (1/2" thick)  so, panel was cut to size, edges planed a bit, then some hinges...
Then a latch...helps to hold things still, instead of chasing it all over the bench...besides, I can just sit on the Shop Stool..
Block plane was also used to bevel the corners a tad..

Sanded to 220 grit...wiped down, then a coat of Amber Shellac..inside and out, and let sit a while..
Stay tuned

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