Bridge City tool works
I've yet to see a bad review of the BCT after the the Change of director.
Did the quality go down?

Where the original BCT completly made in USA? Without foreign parts? Sure?
For tools in the niche market, quality is not the only consideration. Yes, a LN plane made in China or Taiwan might be the same in quality.....but we all know what its fan base mostly in this part of the world or some in the West would say about their intention to buy another LN plane.

BCT priced itself out of the market despite that the quality stayed the same or even became better. Look at the response when they dropped their prices by 40% to 50%.

Like it or not, made in USA still commands interest and respect here.

BCT has always been priced out of the range for 80-90% of woodworkers.

I've met John E and he was unapologetic about the price of his tools.

Made in China or not. I'd still buy some of the tools at the bargain basement prices they've been having.  Nice tools are nice tools.

I was never a buyer, made in USA or China, at the regular retail price
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. - Philip K. Dick


When BCT first offered the set of all of their tools in the early '80s I really thought about buying.  I recall it was a pretty decent price, but of course they had a lot fewer tools then.  They make some interesting tools, not worth it to me though.
The question isn't whether BCT's prices in John's days were out of reach for many...they were. John wasn't competing in the average market. That's why I said it's a niche market. Just like Audi and BMW cars are out of reach for a lot of people. The question rather is whether after the change of ownership to a Chinese business, BCT could still command high prices in its BCT products. The answer is obvious by now, which is by no means a surprise to me, as a previous BCT customer.

To some woodworkers (count me in) it boils down to value vs prestige. Lee Valley seems to have figured it out. Great quality with very good value and over-the-top (maybe the best) customer service. I own two LN products, both bought used at "bargain basement" prices on these pages. I own several Lee Valley tools, all but one bought new from Lee Valley. Perused at one time Bridge City products years ago - not for me.

My, Xenophobic can one get...and not be called racist?

Can remember back when "they" said the same things about "Made in Taiwan"   and before that..Made in Japan.....

(and, if the shoe should just happen to fit...too bloody bad)
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
(02-09-2023, 07:33 PM)bandit571 Wrote: My, Xenophobic can one get...and not be called racist?

Can remember back when "they" said the same things about "Made in Taiwan"   and before that..Made in Japan.....

(and, if the shoe should just happen to fit...too bloody bad)

You like to explain that one?

(02-09-2023, 07:33 PM)bandit571 Wrote: My, Xenophobic can one get...and not be called racist?

Can remember back when "they" said the same things about "Made in Taiwan"   and before that..Made in Japan.....

(and, if the shoe should just happen to fit...too bloody bad)

Choosing not to buy a product from a specific country does not necessarily imply anything like xenophobia or racism: it may be that an individual, having an above-average understanding of geo-political events and all that this implies concerning national security, decides to avoid supporting the economy of a country that is a threat to us. Your money: your choice.
About the same as "Oh, it was made in it has to be good" right...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

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