"we have a Plan"
Page #3...
Worked of a few rips...
To get rid of the barky parts..
To get 2 center stile blanks
Jigged up to run a few beads..
One per edge...

Cross cut and rip for 3 rails..
Top, bottom and middle rails....which also need beads run
Regardless of grain direction....a sharp #23 bead cutter will still do the jobs...

Still to do?
Need to run a bead along both edges of the outside stiles...maybe later today?

Then, maybe start on a bit of joinery?
Mitered Half Laps.....

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Will up-date this thread, later this evening....have a bit of work to do, today..
This was at quitting time , yesterday afternoon...on a Monday, no less...
Was a rather busy 90 minutes, at that..

Stay tuned...film @2300 hrs...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
The Long Stiles: corner joint is a mitered half lap...
Find the angle..
Marking gauge to lay out the cuts..
MitreBox & Saw to make a stopped cut...
Then a rip cut...
Then a wide chisel to level and clean up..

Need 2 stiles done, for now..
Saved one of the cut-offs....need it to set the 27 degree cut that this needs..
Set it to the saw..
Only going 1/2 way down...then a big old rip saw to remove the waste..
Again, wide chisel to clean and level..until it matches the stile's corner..
Repeat 3 more times...

Stay tuned..
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Parts needed grooves, as a place for the Raised Panels to call home...and, they did not need to be run all the way through...as they would show up..so..
The rail and stile in the middle of the door CAN be run all the way though....BUT, the outside stiles and rails need stopped grooves milled..
Which meant a second fence was added to keep the part in place..and a Start line was added...I can then "drop" the part down onto the spinning bit, and shove the part through until I reach a "STOP!" line..

The results?
Stopped grooves...these 2 are the top and bottom outside rails....reset the stop/start lines, and run the outside stiles through...

Then, lay out and chop a few Mortises..
Cut out to match the tenon part..
Which were tenoned on the tablesaw, and mitered on the Bandsaw
Should fit like this..
One about done...
Another 5 M&T joints to do...
Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Last mortise for THIS door..
Is done did....so...let the Cussing begin!
To where I needed the 2-step Shop Stepladder to reach the top, with a mallet...was on Laundry Detail, this morning, anyway..

Letting this door sit a day or two....while I go all over it, making note of all the changes...either done, or..needs to be done...for the next 3 doors...

Hopefully I am not boring people....
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

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