Ultimately you would usually keep all of these type items together, which can add to difficulties when you have 3 shelves full.
Biggest deciding factor is temperature. If you have high temps, or low temps it could affect the products. There some type of cabinet, or enclosed storage that could be insulated, or heated works for year round use. Even a light bulb in an enclosed insulated box can keep fluids from freezing.
Next is a clean, dry, and DUST free area to finish, or for that matter even do dry assemblies, and glue ups.
A lot of people have woodworking in the garage, and assembly, and finishing in a basement, or other climate controlled, dust free, area just to handle these concerns.
In terms of where to put it, so it fits in
Age old problem, but for me, in a smaller shop, it was always inside, and high up above a lot of other things that tended to get used more often. I'd use a small ladder to get to it when it as time for it, glue was the only thing that was always ready, as it was used more often than just the end of the project.