this is where the plugs are inserted
here are the pins note the wear from use.
sorry for the bad pic but you will notice a black ring on the mounting stand It has two screws in it if you take the wheel off. You DO NOT have to remove this flange to repair the plugs. In fact you do not even have to remove the handscrew or the lock screw I do to clean up the lock screw only
To pull the shaft out remove the nut and washer on the end of the drive gear inside the shaper I did not take a pic that came out but you can tell it by location and in the pic below
shaft pulled out to access the pins
Next remove the plug pins ( I just use pliers to grab the one sticking out the furthest ) and remove them .
The pins after they are pulled :
You do not have to wait for new pins to arrive in your shop. You can still use the old ones for a while; I will order new ones next week for this shaper for replacement. In the mean time just turn the plugs 180° after you clean them up a bit adding a drop of oil to each one as you re install them
push the shaft back into the unit until you feel resistance against the gear then turn the wheel and push inward There is a washer on the inside and the outside of the end shaft so make sure you install the inboard one before seating it all the way. Most likely the bushing and the gear will rotate in place but the shaft will still be not all the way home. I just push until I can get the nut back on then tighten the nut to draw the shaft in place. If you did this without the second washer in place remove the nut and add it in now. tighten the nut securely but not excessively
At this point I put a drop of oil on the gears and from the top the elevation screw ( the vertical shaft) after I blow out any sawdust chips that tend to land in this hole when the shaft is near the top of the travel of the spindle
Run the spindle up and down a time or two to distribute the lube
Lastly I clean the threads on the locking knob add a drop of oil there and reinstall it. When I first feel resistance I move the knob in while spinning the handwheel until it stops. Then release the knob, run the handwheel up or down a ways.
That should do it. Now after you set the elevation and lock the knob the pins should set tight with little more than maybe 1/16 turn past snug . That is how little it takes to make the pins function. the ones in my shaper have not been replaced since I have owned it and my now gone help always seems to believe that tighter is more better. As you will be able to see once you do yours it does not.
Let us not seek the Republican Answer , or the Democratic answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future John F. Kennedy