In the not-to-distant future, my company is relocating me back to Texas. I started with the company almost 24 years ago in Fort Worth. I moved to California 13 years ago. CA is an incredibly beautiful state. I'll miss the weather. I won't miss the drive on the 405 six lane parking lot to LAX every once-in-a-while. I won't miss the horrendous prices for gas (more than $1.00 over the current TX gas price). My hunt for a new home begins. I'm looking for something that'll accommodate a dedicated shop. Might consider renting an industrial space, but really want something at the homestead. I expect to pay more for exotic woods in TX but less for domestics. Woodcraft and Rockler will definitely be closer than the 95 miles I currently have to drive to get there. Lee Valley will be 1-2 shipping days closer! The wife and 11 year old are super-excited, which is a great thing. When the family is on board, it makes the transition that much easier.

Gotta brush up on my y'all and howdy lingo.
Still Learning,

Allan Hill
Congrats on the move.

What part of Texas?
“The windows are open and I'm wearing pants.”

- Fire Wood
Good luck on the move Allan. I hope you make a gob smack more.

When I first read the heading I thought "He is moving and selling his tools" kind of thing and I was going to camp in line.

As of this time I am not teaching vets to turn. Also please do not send any items to me without prior notification.  Thank You Everyone.

It is always the right time, to do the right thing.
AHill said:

Gotta brush up on my y'all and howdy lingo.

Not to mention this sort of conversation at a restaurant:

Me: I’d like a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke.
Server: What kind of coke do y’all want?
Me: A coke.

Hail St. Roy, Full of Grace, The Schwarz is with thee.
Blessed art thou among woodworkers, and blessed is the fruit of thy saw, dovetails.
Holy St. Roy, Master of Chisels, pray for us sharpeners now, and at the hour of planing.
$300 is a lot of Money!
giant Cypress: Japanese tool blog
Practice saying, "bidness," too.

A Texas-born-and-bred friend of mine could go on for quite a while about the distinction between "y'all" and "all y'all."

Exotic woods? You'll be closer to mesquite as a wood, rather than a BBQ briquet. Some of us consider that exotic; not a lot of mesquite on California's North Coast.
And two whole fried chickens......and a Coke.....
Well shama lamma ding dong to you too......
Wilbur Pan said:

[blockquote]AHill said:

Gotta brush up on my y'all and howdy lingo.

Not to mention this sort of conversation at a restaurant:

Me: I’d like a cheeseburger, fries, and a coke.
Server: What kind of coke do y’all want?
Me: A coke.


And ya'lls point is???? Sounds normal to me...

Bill_Houghton said:

Practice saying, "bidness," too.

A Texas-born-and-bred friend of mine could go on for quite a while about the distinction between "y'all" and "all y'all."

Exotic woods? You'll be closer to mesquite as a wood, rather than a BBQ briquet. Some of us consider that exotic; not a lot of mesquite on California's North Coast.

Yes... our local mills have mesquite and Osage orange/bois d' arc/bodark/horse apple as well as some nice white oak and ash you can't get at the borg. They even have kiln drying if you want it.

Fort Worth. Or, as they say there: foat wuth.

Many years ago, I used to live in McAllen, where mesquite was plentiful. My dad would find folks clearing land for real estate development and they'd let us take as much mesquite as we could load up on the truck for free. Otherwise it cost them to haul it away. I love working with mesquite. Not bad for bbq either .

Patsfan said:

Congrats on the move.

What part of Texas?

Still Learning,

Allan Hill
As I understand it....

All y'all is the plural of y'all. All y'all's is the plural possessive.
Thanks,  Curt
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
      -- Soren Kierkegaard

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