03-17-2017, 03:05 PM
I found a few bench planes with broken totes in the boneyard. So I guess it is time for a few repairs. Here is the broken horn.
First step was to cut off the break and make an even base.
Then I glued it to a stick of walnut. I am allergic to rosewood.
Here is the tote with a broken toe.
Glue is dry on #1.
Back to the toe. Best and safest way to remove extra stock is to use a coping saw.
Reworked the hole.
Tote horn sanded.
Drilling out the tote rod hole.
Finishing it up.
Totes sanded and cleaned with turpentine.
Ready for some rattle can poly.
Totes are not that hard to repair. In the case of a missing horn, the repair really helps. That part of the tote holds the web between your thumb and forefinger and keeps you hand in place.
We are woodworkers. Tote repairs are in our wheelhouse. Fix yer planes.
First step was to cut off the break and make an even base.
Then I glued it to a stick of walnut. I am allergic to rosewood.
Here is the tote with a broken toe.
Glue is dry on #1.
Back to the toe. Best and safest way to remove extra stock is to use a coping saw.
Reworked the hole.
Tote horn sanded.
Drilling out the tote rod hole.
Finishing it up.
Totes sanded and cleaned with turpentine.
Ready for some rattle can poly.
Totes are not that hard to repair. In the case of a missing horn, the repair really helps. That part of the tote holds the web between your thumb and forefinger and keeps you hand in place.
We are woodworkers. Tote repairs are in our wheelhouse. Fix yer planes.
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