04-08-2017, 06:22 AM
Acquired an old green bandsaw back in January. Details are 16" Walker Turner, circa 1942 based on the tag on the upper door. Was in running shape, but decided to tear it down and give it a once over to refresh it for it's next 70 years. The saw is the wood/metal version, but a previous owner had removed the two speed function from it, some research on OWWM indicated that it might run smoother without it, and since I'm not a metalworker I decided not to care. Otherwise it was basically complete other than a blade guard. Saw has just under 12" of resaw capacity, and has a vintage 1/2HP motor, for now it will run with that, and if it turns out to want more power, I'll upgrade later.
For anyone not familiar with these, in a word they are heavy. Everything on the saw is cast iron, and they did not spare any in making it. After breaking it down, I found only one repair in the cast iron base, but it was solid and not really visible from the outside. Upon purchasing, I broke it down in several major components, and loaded each into the truck. And since it did not happen unless pics are shown, here you go.
In truck
Couple of the parts, including the belt guard.
![[Image: B22E7DD6-93E8-4E5B-A029-4843DDDF9925_zpssppwmcny.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/B22E7DD6-93E8-4E5B-A029-4843DDDF9925_zpssppwmcny.jpg)
The base from the front
![[Image: F7A1AEC6-6B06-455F-AE60-100EEC5E89D9_zpsvivpamji.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/F7A1AEC6-6B06-455F-AE60-100EEC5E89D9_zpsvivpamji.jpg)
Once in my garage, it was torn down to all the pieces, and filled a number of bags with hardware and such. All parts degreased and cleaned. Only thing that presented a real challenge was the removal of the lower wheel from the shaft. Started with a couple of weeks with a gear puller and PBBlaster. Broke the gear puller in the process. Ended up at a local machine shop, where it finally gave way after 7 tons or so of pressure on their press.
![[Image: 0B28BB59-9FBC-4B1C-BFB7-AEE67356C938_zpst0lkopyc.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/0B28BB59-9FBC-4B1C-BFB7-AEE67356C938_zpst0lkopyc.jpg)
Once that was done, bearings for both wheels were ordered, painting was done, and new tires were glued on and crowned. Amazing that 3 weeks of work can be summed up so innocently in a single sentence.
![[Image: D856262F-96C9-4E78-A5A8-F6E36C8836D0_zpssm0r82oq.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/D856262F-96C9-4E78-A5A8-F6E36C8836D0_zpssm0r82oq.jpg)
Hardware - sprayed with aged copper.
![[Image: 75A60B73-B5B3-49CC-BEEB-8245ACB19382_zpsfs3xc9tl.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/75A60B73-B5B3-49CC-BEEB-8245ACB19382_zpsfs3xc9tl.jpg)
![[Image: 62DF49A1-3D1E-4102-BF07-55B6EDE0AC5A_zps54ijvx4s.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/62DF49A1-3D1E-4102-BF07-55B6EDE0AC5A_zps54ijvx4s.jpg)
Crowning jig
![[Image: 95D73221-A608-4DBB-8DD4-2B7441C8A59B_zpsxu9xcxhk.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/95D73221-A608-4DBB-8DD4-2B7441C8A59B_zpsxu9xcxhk.jpg)
Top door
![[Image: 2540CA90-0431-4AAE-8CED-B109BCB162EA_zpsujtvcmru.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/2540CA90-0431-4AAE-8CED-B109BCB162EA_zpsujtvcmru.jpg)
Assembled, pre-blade guard and power switch.
![[Image: 43CD538B-BC90-4CC9-9BCD-2BD13F917C80_zpstkpoqx2a.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/43CD538B-BC90-4CC9-9BCD-2BD13F917C80_zpstkpoqx2a.jpg)
Addressed the lack of a blade guard by fashioning one out of aluminum angle based on the original drawings and other ideas found over on OWWM.
![[Image: DBF49CD0-1F00-4E11-99CD-F053EBC10826_zpsxt1nand1.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/DBF49CD0-1F00-4E11-99CD-F053EBC10826_zpsxt1nand1.jpg)
For anyone not familiar with these, in a word they are heavy. Everything on the saw is cast iron, and they did not spare any in making it. After breaking it down, I found only one repair in the cast iron base, but it was solid and not really visible from the outside. Upon purchasing, I broke it down in several major components, and loaded each into the truck. And since it did not happen unless pics are shown, here you go.
In truck
![[Image: B2E1AE63-F2AF-4622-847D-93B2446AA4BE_zpsfwze7j6e.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/B2E1AE63-F2AF-4622-847D-93B2446AA4BE_zpsfwze7j6e.jpg)
Couple of the parts, including the belt guard.
![[Image: B22E7DD6-93E8-4E5B-A029-4843DDDF9925_zpssppwmcny.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/B22E7DD6-93E8-4E5B-A029-4843DDDF9925_zpssppwmcny.jpg)
The base from the front
![[Image: F7A1AEC6-6B06-455F-AE60-100EEC5E89D9_zpsvivpamji.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/F7A1AEC6-6B06-455F-AE60-100EEC5E89D9_zpsvivpamji.jpg)
Once in my garage, it was torn down to all the pieces, and filled a number of bags with hardware and such. All parts degreased and cleaned. Only thing that presented a real challenge was the removal of the lower wheel from the shaft. Started with a couple of weeks with a gear puller and PBBlaster. Broke the gear puller in the process. Ended up at a local machine shop, where it finally gave way after 7 tons or so of pressure on their press.
![[Image: 0B28BB59-9FBC-4B1C-BFB7-AEE67356C938_zpst0lkopyc.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/0B28BB59-9FBC-4B1C-BFB7-AEE67356C938_zpst0lkopyc.jpg)
Once that was done, bearings for both wheels were ordered, painting was done, and new tires were glued on and crowned. Amazing that 3 weeks of work can be summed up so innocently in a single sentence.
![[Image: D856262F-96C9-4E78-A5A8-F6E36C8836D0_zpssm0r82oq.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/D856262F-96C9-4E78-A5A8-F6E36C8836D0_zpssm0r82oq.jpg)
Hardware - sprayed with aged copper.
![[Image: 75A60B73-B5B3-49CC-BEEB-8245ACB19382_zpsfs3xc9tl.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/75A60B73-B5B3-49CC-BEEB-8245ACB19382_zpsfs3xc9tl.jpg)
![[Image: 62DF49A1-3D1E-4102-BF07-55B6EDE0AC5A_zps54ijvx4s.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/62DF49A1-3D1E-4102-BF07-55B6EDE0AC5A_zps54ijvx4s.jpg)
Crowning jig
![[Image: 95D73221-A608-4DBB-8DD4-2B7441C8A59B_zpsxu9xcxhk.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/95D73221-A608-4DBB-8DD4-2B7441C8A59B_zpsxu9xcxhk.jpg)
Top door
![[Image: 2540CA90-0431-4AAE-8CED-B109BCB162EA_zpsujtvcmru.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/2540CA90-0431-4AAE-8CED-B109BCB162EA_zpsujtvcmru.jpg)
Assembled, pre-blade guard and power switch.
![[Image: 43CD538B-BC90-4CC9-9BCD-2BD13F917C80_zpstkpoqx2a.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/43CD538B-BC90-4CC9-9BCD-2BD13F917C80_zpstkpoqx2a.jpg)
Addressed the lack of a blade guard by fashioning one out of aluminum angle based on the original drawings and other ideas found over on OWWM.
![[Image: DBF49CD0-1F00-4E11-99CD-F053EBC10826_zpsxt1nand1.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/DBF49CD0-1F00-4E11-99CD-F053EBC10826_zpsxt1nand1.jpg)
![[Image: 59C663C9-B14C-4904-B618-FB5F8A7F0A4A_zpsjo0aw1kr.jpg]](http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/nodima/Woodworking/59C663C9-B14C-4904-B618-FB5F8A7F0A4A_zpsjo0aw1kr.jpg)