Mastery in Motion, perhaps our nations top woodworker.
Noted in this that the noob may not have even registered.
On layout he used his widest chisel, which when it get's down to it is the one deepest into the joint, and if you need to use a narrower chisel 3 times to span across the part most left to be seen you will note the ingenuity to using a full width chisel.
The splint to simulate the drawer bottom for registry, leaves it so the only place to go is where you want it to be.
No fear of the belt sander, where shy retiring types use a block plane, he finishes the entire case, and drawers in the same time as one drawer. Like with Alcohol, you just gotta know when to say when.
One of my favorite pieces is a small Shaker chest he makes. It has a lot of drawers, and he uses a tab behind each drawer, and he uses a belt sander across the entire front to flush the doors, so they all close exactly the same. It's awesome, yet if you keep the sander moving it works like magic. I've never seen him use one of those girlie belt sanders either, full width, 4" of howling grit coming atcha
Nice post Gary.