12-04-2017, 02:53 AM
On the left is the tote from a Stanley #6 I have had for a while with the horn broken off. Long story short, I dunked it in a cup of epoxy I had left over from a pour I had just finished. (Waste not, want not!). Once it cured, I went at it with a 4 in hand file, then every grit from 60 to 2000, and finished it off with Meguiar's Ultimate Compound car polish.
On the right is the tote I made (walnut) for a poor man's plow plane I currently have under construction.
This is really fun stuff. I have enjoyed shaping with rasp and file more than just about any other aspect of woodworking yet.
On the right is the tote I made (walnut) for a poor man's plow plane I currently have under construction.
This is really fun stuff. I have enjoyed shaping with rasp and file more than just about any other aspect of woodworking yet.
If you're gonna be one, be a Big Red One.