09-30-2021, 12:14 AM
Some may recall I finished a Bombe Chest last year (and, as it turns out, it made the Readers Gallery in the latest issue of FWW).
One of my challenges was to find a decent set of plans (or, for that matter, any plans at all!). Even basic dimensions were hard to come by. I scoured the internet and found several images that I was able to scale off and develop my own set of plans. I have finally gotten around to uploaded these (as well as my fabrication notes) onto my website for anyone who might also be looking for plans and is interested in taking on a project like this.
Here is the direct link on my website. https://www.dmwoodworks.net/projects-plans
One of my challenges was to find a decent set of plans (or, for that matter, any plans at all!). Even basic dimensions were hard to come by. I scoured the internet and found several images that I was able to scale off and develop my own set of plans. I have finally gotten around to uploaded these (as well as my fabrication notes) onto my website for anyone who might also be looking for plans and is interested in taking on a project like this.
Here is the direct link on my website. https://www.dmwoodworks.net/projects-plans