02-18-2024, 11:54 PM
There was 8"+ snow forcasted for Thursday night and my JD27 has an issue with chain jumping the sprockets. Tried realigning and swapping a few bearings and 2hr.s later it still doesn't work. One of the guys said there are always some on Marketplace. He scheduled to pick up an Ariens 8/24 and a Craftsman 9/28 "that ran last year" at 4:30.. both of them for $40. The Ariens got quick jet cleaning but the actual problem was the teeny tiny vent on the carb was blocked. The Craftsman's throttle linkage needed some PB Blaster; it was stuck on full. The mig was all set up so the skids got some 1/4" x 1" added to them.
I wouldn't normally have stressed about 8", but with the warm weather we were having there's no frost. The new skid steer bucket would tear up the gravel driveways but I could still use it for the snow banks at the road...and I now have two working snowblowers!
We got about an inch of powder.
I wouldn't normally have stressed about 8", but with the warm weather we were having there's no frost. The new skid steer bucket would tear up the gravel driveways but I could still use it for the snow banks at the road...and I now have two working snowblowers!
We got about an inch of powder.

Sign at N.E. Vocational School Cabinetmaking Shop 1976, "Free knowledge given daily... Bring your own container"