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Full Version: My son's first turning
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My 10 year old son has been really curious about my woodturning lately, and he wanted to do a project. I happened to have a 2x4 glue-up on hand, so we used it for practice. He did good!

And that's how it starts.

I can remember time with my dad in the shop was special time. I have also enjoyed working with my kids on projects. It's great, enjoy.

That is one great looking ornament. Is he getting the Nova lathe or are you buying him a new one. He did good was putting it mildly.
Haha! That's a good one. He won't be getting my lathe unless someone gives me a Robust or Powermatic.

I do hope he stays interested, though. It was fun spending some time with him--especially to be able to teach him something and have him actually pay attention the whole time!
Spending shop time with him is better than a new lathe any day.

That is excellent! Better that the tv/internet. Some of the best times I have and have had are with my Dad and kids in the shop. Keep him interested!

Tell him I am proud of him and can not wait to see what he makes next. He did a great job and love the colors too.

You can show him this too.

Thanks, everybody. I passed on the good feedback to him and he swelled up with pride.