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Hollow chisel bit recommendations - Printable Version

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RE: Hollow chisel bit recommendations - mr_skittle - 10-24-2020

Well I pulled the trigger on a couple from Lee Valley. I need both a 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch. I decided to get one of each the economy and premium. I figure that the small bit cuts easier and therefore it was a relatively safe place to try out an economy one. I went for the premium product on the 3/8 since it's a bigger hole that will require a little more cranking on the mortiser arm. Unfortunately, the 3/8 is out of stock until for another 2 weeks so I'll have to fine something else to keep me busy. There are always drawer parts to mill up....

Thank you for your input on the hardness of hardwood. I will say that this green ash is every bit as hard as any white oak I've worked and right up there with maple. I had the pleasure of hand resawing 9 w x 32 L boards for the drawer fronts and panels. I'm used to working with black ash, which is more common in N MN and not as hard as oak or maple, but this is the first time I've worked with green ash. I am pleased with how it works with machine and hand tools. The mahogany is on the softer side. I'd say in the range of poplar or maybe cherry. I always started with resawing the ash so it was like a reward when I got to saw the mahogany. Sooo much easier.