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When you guys restore old iron... - Printable Version

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When you guys restore old iron... - Herb G - 10-05-2015

How do you repaint them? Spray? Brush? Dip?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - Cub_Cadet_GT - 10-05-2015

Spray. Rattle can for me.

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - Herb G - 10-05-2015

Where do you find the original colors for the old machines?

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - Guest - 10-05-2015

Herb, if you haven't already done so, check out Vintage Machinery and Old Woodworking Machinery . They have a ton of information about restoring old iron and are very helpful.

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - Shop Dad - 10-05-2015

Hank Knight in SC said:

Herb, if you haven't already done so, check out Vintage Machinery and Old Woodworking Machinery . They have a ton of information about restoring old iron and are very helpful.

+1 you can learn a lot there and get answers. As for painting I use rattle can for the convenience. There are guys who get a great finish brushing. I'm not one of them. Spray cans definitely have their downside and I think ideally an HVLP gun would give the best finish. What machine are you working on?


Re: When you guys restore old iron... - stav - 10-05-2015

Rattle can and I pick whatever color strikes me. I don't necessarily try to match original.

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - Herb G - 10-05-2015

Shop Dad said:

What machine are you working on?


An old Craftsman table saw. From the early 1970's.
Kinda rusty. Not much use on it though. Maybe 10 hours, if that.

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - CARYinWA - 10-05-2015

stav said:

Rattle can and I pick whatever color strikes me. I don't necessarily try to match original.


Re: When you guys restore old iron... - skizzo - 10-05-2015

CARYinWA said:

[blockquote]stav said:

Rattle can and I pick whatever color strikes me. I don't necessarily try to match original.


+2. Sometimes I'll take a sample/part from the machine that has original color and look for something close. More often, though, I just look for a color that I like and that has some old-style tone.

Re: When you guys restore old iron... - EvilTwin - 10-05-2015

For smaller projects, a rattle can. Larger machines I've used an HVLP gun on, that gave pretty nice results. I don't care much for the new rustoleum cans with the round pattern spray nozzle. You really need a fan shaped pattern for good coverage.