Drawer was glued up, yesterday...came out of these things, this morning..
Today, despite all the cussing and fighting going on in the shop...( enough to make a Marine blush..)
Front defects were fixed. Worked on hinges after that....
What Sellers wanted...set this aside, and started to fit the drawer....hmmm..seemed I needed a "shim" added to the top of the drawer's front..
Waited on the glue to dry a bit...to where it would stay put while I planed it smooth...had a section of it, that would not stay flat...a few brass nails cured that....Next test fit....bottom of the drawer needed a tad more leveling...#3 plane to do it....'CRACK"
More glue to wait on...seems the bottom edge of one drawer side popped off...
Hmmm while this was drying...decided to at least add a handle, as I might need something to pull the drawer out with...
How bad a day was it?
Well, an old pen tried to roll across the bench, right where I was working....pen was soon flying off to parts unseen....
May try again after a bit...
Kidney Doctor said there isn't any problem from the stone in the kidney...seems to be something else going on...
Stay tuned...

Today, despite all the cussing and fighting going on in the shop...( enough to make a Marine blush..)

Front defects were fixed. Worked on hinges after that....

What Sellers wanted...set this aside, and started to fit the drawer....hmmm..seemed I needed a "shim" added to the top of the drawer's front..

Waited on the glue to dry a bit...to where it would stay put while I planed it smooth...had a section of it, that would not stay flat...a few brass nails cured that....Next test fit....bottom of the drawer needed a tad more leveling...#3 plane to do it....'CRACK"

More glue to wait on...seems the bottom edge of one drawer side popped off...

Hmmm while this was drying...decided to at least add a handle, as I might need something to pull the drawer out with...

How bad a day was it?

May try again after a bit...
Kidney Doctor said there isn't any problem from the stone in the kidney...seems to be something else going on...
Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that