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07-11-2017, 10:13 PM
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I'm the kind of guy that if I need a tool I get it, it may be a long time till I need it again but at least I have it.
Way better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it.
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Having a tool and not needing it is far better than needing a tool and not having it. I bought a Fein Multimaster many years ago when they were fairly expensive (no knock off copies available) for a particular job. It worked perfectly and I didn't use it again for a long time. Then a need came up and I was glad I had it. Now I find many more uses for it than I originally thought it would be good for.
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I have a few of those tools in my shop too
nice to have when you need it but space hog otherwise.
Let us not seek the Republican Answer , or the Democratic answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future John F. Kennedy
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Yes I'm getting to the point to where space is becoming the primary concern. My wife's daddy was a mechanic so in 16 years of marriage I've never caught any flack about my, often profligate, tool acquisitions. I was about convinced to sell off my Festool Delta sander the other day until danced if it didn't come in handy on a project I just finished.
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Same here. Every tool I own was purchased for a specific need. Most of those tools have seen lots of use for multiple jobs. Some, though, just sit after that *one* use.
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Hands holding it in place and a need to tap it further, the hammer was out of reach, so I reached for that "thingamujig" I had bought many years ago to hit it with. I was glad right then I had bought it!
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My dad gave me this advice shortly after I married, "If you need a tool, buy it, you will need it again."
After my shop was full, I adopted the rule: If I don't have a place for it, I can not buy it. Exception: checking Craig's List, Jet mortise machine, $50. I bought it, found a place for it. I have not used many times, but I am very glad I have it!
K.L. you will use it again and be very happy you have it collecting dust.
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Bosch Finecut. Needed once and never again. Disco-ed, so if I ever need it again, I have no idea where I'll get replacement blades!
Aram, always learning
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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Bought an oscillating cutter for a job 6 years ago. I didn't think I'd ever use it again. I use it all the time. I bought a battery powered Bosch. It broke because I loaned it out... I'll say no more on that. I got another Bosch with a cord. I learned as of late go buy a cheap one harbor freights work as good and for $15 you can't beat it. I should've bought a cheap one to begin with but live and learn.
Everybody blamed his old man for makin him mean as a snake. When Amos Moses was a boy his daddy would use him for alligator bait!
-Jerry Reed