Wood shavings bowl
Making a bowl out of some large Black walnut, Red Cedar & Honey locust shavings and Alumilite clear slow Resin. Finished with General Finish's wood bowl finish and Acks paste. Because of the quick cure time, even with a pressure pot, there were a lot of bubbles trapped between the shavings unfortunately. All though a deep pour slower curing resin would have been more ideal, this was an attempt to use up the rest of the batch of resin I had before it got too old and went bad
Great way to use up everything!

That has a really neat visual effect in the depth of field, even though I am generally not a fan of the 'let's cover everything in epoxy' trend.

If I had a signature, this wouldn't be it.
(08-23-2024, 09:55 AM)MKepke Wrote: Nice.

That has a really neat visual effect in the depth of field, even though I am generally not a fan of the 'let's cover everything in epoxy' trend.


Some people dont like resin but I find it is a very good way to fill voids or spaces on pieces that otherwise would be to far gone to turn

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