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Almost any oil finish should do the job. I like Waterlox, but it is expensive compared to some other oil based finishes. Danish Oil is a commonly used finish that would also work, and it's commonly available at the big box stores, and even Walmart.
Still Learning,
Allan Hill
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I'd go with a spar urethane spray, in a satin finish.
Helmsman makes a really excellent spray in the rattle cans.
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I believe that "Finish Follows Function"
That is a utility piece gets a different finish then a decorative one.
I'd class your piece as decorative. Which means a film finish.
Wipe-on-Poly, spray lacquer, shellac, etc. Followed by a light buff and wax.
Making sawdust mostly, sometimes I get something else, but that's more accident then design.
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What interesting timing. I just finished this spalted maple vase. I used rattle can shellac. You can decide if you like it. One positive thing, it seemed to harden the slightly punky wood.
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BLO would bring out the grain and then finish with some poly.