I'm adding shelving to a built-in cabinet (with doors) where I'll keep my audio gear, and want to top it with a sliding platform to carry a turntable. The platform will be wide enough for the turntable, but not as wide as the cabinet, so I won't be able to mount the slides to the cabinet walls. Are there under- or bottom-mount, full-extension slides available that attach to the surface below (i.e., the top shelf), and do not need side walls to attach to? I've searched the forums and found quite a few on mounting Blum slides, but they always seem to use the cabinet walls.
The shelf and platform will both be 3/4" plywood; I'll also be edging the platform with a curtain (skirt?) to hide the plywood's edges as well as the slides. So if necessary I could add short brackets to act as mini walls on the platform, if the slides will need those--but that will eat up width under the platform. I'd prefer a wider "wheel base" if I can get it.
Thanks in advance,
The shelf and platform will both be 3/4" plywood; I'll also be edging the platform with a curtain (skirt?) to hide the plywood's edges as well as the slides. So if necessary I could add short brackets to act as mini walls on the platform, if the slides will need those--but that will eat up width under the platform. I'd prefer a wider "wheel base" if I can get it.
Thanks in advance,